White Genocide

Tag Archive for: White Genocide

Residents of a town in Wyoming are told to leave; EPA gives the land to American Indian reservation.

The town of Riverton, in Wyoming, has been disputed territory between American Indians and Whites for some time now. The local American Indians are demanding a 1 million acre plot of land which the town sits on, to be added to their current reservation.null

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has accepted the local tribe’s claims, and declared the land to be for American Indians, despite any legal authority to do so.

EPA has not said if the residents of the town are will be paid for their properties; the silence is likely to mean they are not.

In a public statement, Senator Leland Christensen said “This is an alarming action when you have a federal agency step in and start to undo congressional acts that has really been our history for 108 years … with the stroke of a pen without talking to the biggest groups impacted, and that would be the city of Riverton and the state of Wyoming.

The Wyoming Governor, Matt Mead, says the state of Wyoming would not recognize the authority of EPA, and is planning to take legal action through federal courts.
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Many libertarians ideas on how to "Americanize" migrants are the equivalent of believing in magic. Recently I was talking with a friend of mine, whom we will simply refer to as "Jim." Jim is a libertarian who believes that races are different but only as a result of culture. To the average pro-white this idea is baffling and laughable but nothing new to hear. I asked Jim, "What about Los Angeles? It's arguably the most racially diverse cities on the planet and yet one of the most self segregated" Jim looked me dead in my eyes and without flinching this otherwise Intelligent and sensible adult man told me "It's because of our Culture, we don't properly Americanize them" Jim is not a foolish fellow, yet he believes that the sons and daughters of American patriots long gone, people who fought wars together, bled and died together to form this country could be so easily replaced with any given folk from China, Mexico or wherever else. He holds a completely warped belief that through speaking a common language or learning social Norms that you can not only replace the people who built America but that they would still feel the same bond of common ancestry and History. What Jim told me was essentially the equivalent of saying he believed in magic. In Jim's mind all one need to do is walk across a magical border somewhere north of Mexico, speak the magical language of English and embrace capitalism. Then POOF you have an American! This however brings us back to the subject of Los Angleles, a bastion of Multiracial free market America that is BROKE. Why have these magical concepts not proved a success for the City? Because there's no such thing as magic. It's not hard to see the exact same trend all over America, over the course of the last 50 some years America has become steadily more multiracial and steadily gone deeper into debt.

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Following the worldwide trend of the popular "White Genocide" internet meme cropping up in almost every corner of the western world, Pro-White website Renegade Broadcasting.com has taken it upon themselves to take the fight yet one step further. The guys and gals at Renegade have started a banner drive to raise money for Pro-White activism and the funding of White Genocide banners to be passed out to activists worldwide. Many of the activists will be displaying the banners at the upcoming White Man March which humorously enough will be taking place on March the 15 . The sites banner drive page states the following "The funds raised through this campaign will be used to purchase (at cost) at least 70 large banners to be displayed all across the United States, and perhaps across the world." We here at White Rabbit Radio salute this fine group of Pro-White activists and much appreciate their hard work. What we are witnessing is the beginning of a tidal wave destined to consume our enemy's. This IS the 2014 American version of the Soviet Union's samizdat, but I will come back to that soon.
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Ázsia az ázsiaiaknak, Afrika az afrikaiaknak, Fehér országok mindenkinek!


Mindenki mondja, hogy van ez a faji probléma. Mindenki azt mondja, hogy ez a faji probléma akkor lesz megoldva, amikor a harmadik világ beleolvad az ÖSSZES fehér országokba, és CSAK az fehér országokba!

Hollandia és Belgium ugyan olyan zsúfolt, mint Japán vagy Taiwan, de senki nem mondja, hogy Taiwan azzal fogja megoldani ezt a faji problémát, hogy harmadik világbeliek millióit hozza és "olvasztja be”.

Mindenki azt mondja, hogy a végső megoldás erre a FAJI problémára az ÖSSZES fehér ország és CSAK a fehér országok beolvadása, például összeházasodás a nem fehérekkel.

Mi lenne, ha azt mondanám, hogy van ez a FAJI probléma, és ezt a FAJI problémát úgy lehetne megoldva, hogy nem feketék százmillióit hurcolnák be MINDEN fekete országba, és CSAK fekete országokba?

Meddig tartana bárkinek is észrevenni, hogy én nem FAJI problémáról beszélek? A FEKETÉK problémájának végső megoldásáról beszélek.

És meddig tartana bármely épelméjű feketének észrevenni ezt, és milyen elmebeteg fekete ember nem kifogásolná ezt?

De ha elmondom azt a magától értetődő igazságot a fajom ellen folytatott fajirtásról, a fehér faj ellen folytatottról, liberálisok, tisztes konzervatívok azt mondanák, hogy csak "egy náci vagyok aki meg akar gyilkolni 6 millió zsidót".

Azt mondják, hogy ők rasszizmus ellenesek. De valójában ők Anti-fehérek.

Az Anti-rassziszta, egy kódnév az Anti-fehérre.

Libertarians believe a country's borders are magical lines one need only walk across. They believe these same people need only read magical books by Ayn Rand.  Say magical phrases like: "all people are equal".  Believe in magical documents like the constitution.  They must also believe in the magical concept known as capitalism. Then learn to speak a magical language known as English. And everyone that does these things will POOF ....magically become an American.

Imagine if China became libertarian and believed in the same Magic.  One need only walk across the magical line into China.  Then learn to speak a new magical language known as Chinese.  Then of course read magical books by Ayn Rand.  And let's not forget recite magical phrases such as "all people are equal". Believe in magical founding documents and magical concepts like Capitalism.  Then POOF you will Magically be Chinese.  Of course, readers would laugh at this notion. Right this minute China is 90% Han Chinese.  And that is not going to change anytime soon.  In 1965, American was 90% White.  America is now going broke.  And the reason is quite simple......there is NO such thing as magic.