White Genocide

Tag Archive for: White Genocide

We went through the infamous Twitter purge already, and not much happened other than a few account takedowns and some blue check marks being taken away. Annoying as it was, and obviously biased, it wasn’t near the amount of damage we had predicted would come to pass. Gab saw an increase in users, making Twitter yesterday’s fake news.

For those Conservative or Alt-Right users who chose to stay on the platform, however, things have been tricky. Tweets about Whites being discriminated against get taken down for abuse and intolerance, but Tweets likes these remain on the platform and are being praised by the left-wing liberal cult.

David Klion is a liberal and a journalist who sometimes tries to act like he’s a libertarian. He promoted the women’s march, Tweeting about it non stop for days, as well as promoting Marxist Socialism, open borders for the U.S and anti-White remarks. Naturally, people disagreed with his statement.

“You find that Good?”

“People like you make me proud of wanting a large family. How dare you be so racist.”

“Pack your bag and go to your holy land.”

“Ohhh… I see but Israel has the right to exist. I get it now…”

“And they wonder why white supremacist are growing again, because of racist comments like that. Before Obama, all we had to worry about was intolerant leftists.”

A while after his comment, he Tweeted again and boasted about how no one had reported it to Twitter yet. Instead saying that people had reported him for “being a Jew”.

However, despite his boasting, he eventually did get reported but things didn’t go as expected:

“Joking” about White genocide is not against the Twitter violations? Maybe that’s nothing new, but it still never fails to astonish me. Other liberal activists have been Tweeting hateful remarks against Whites, conservatives, and Christians as well, but just like David Klion, they are receiving zero consequences for their actions.

This is why hard-right ideologies exist in the first place; we are all tired of the double standard. If you believe something, be consistent about it! Their lack of consistency proves that they do not actually believe what they claim to believe. It proves that left-wing influencers like David Klion are teaching young people that it’s okay to be black, it’s okay to be Jewish, but it’s definitely not okay to be white.

There are certain men whose primary purpose in life is to be weather vanes of public opinion. That’s a fancy way of saying that you can detect changes in the prevailing current of thinking, the Zeitgeist, by perusing their blogs from time to time.

Paul Craig Roberts is one of those men.


From early 1981 to January 1982, Roberts served as assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy.

After his time in government he turned to journalism, holding positions of editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal, columnist for Business Week, the Scripps Howard News Service as well as contributing editor to Harper’s Magazine.

Roberts was professor of business administration and professor of economics at George Mason University and was the inaugural William E. Simon Chair in Political Economy at Georgetown University, serving for 12 years.

From 1993 to 1996, he was a Distinguished Fellow at the Cato Institute. He also was a Senior Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution.

See, this is not some nobody. This reads like the bio of a man who used to be a somebody.

And I know that he’s not a Boomer himself, he’s Silent Gen, but I’ve never met anyone except Boomers who read his stuff. This is because Boomers have been getting all their talking points from Silent Gen civil rights activists and academics since they started going off to college way back when.

And they love this man.

The reason for it is simple – his blog has everything that they want: muh Reagan, muh tax cuts and interestingly, the man flirts with conspiracy theory from time to time. Deep State black ops and false flags and that sort of thing. Unsurprisingly, Boomers eat it up.

But recently, he’s been sitting up and starting to notice what has become blatantly obvious to every late Millennial and Gen Z’er. The Elites, Globalists, Brahmin – whatever euphemism you want to use for the Jews – are planning White Genocide.

Paul Craig Roberts:

The immigration policies of white countries have created a diversity basis for ganging up on whites. If we put together a diverse population with the anti-white ideology of Identity Politics, we have a political and cultural trap for white people.

It seems paradoxical that Identity Politics is led by white/liberal/progressive/leftists advocating their own marginalization. However, as it is a correct conclusion from Identity Politics that white DNA is an abomination, white adherents of the ideology can logically see their demise as a benefit to humanity. But why should they be allowed to condemn whites who do not see themselves as an abomination?

What we are seeing unfold with Identity Politics was foretold by Jean Raspail in his futuristic novel The Camp of the Saints. Perhaps white people should read it as an indication of their possible fate.

Thank you for finally stating the obvious, PCR. Hopefully some Boomers reclining in their La-Z-Boy chairs will take notice too.

Seeing this ol’ yeller grapple and come to terms with White Genocide over the course of the last year has been a fascinating experience.

I kept at it because I knew that if he could make the leap, it would mean that millions of Boomers would be ready to make the leap as well.

All that’s left is to see what happens next.

I find myself wondering: is it time to awaken the slumbering Boomer?

H/T Daily Stormer

Ironic, but of course it also makes total sense. The last thing a white traitor wants to see when he drives to work every morning is a mirror that reflects his twisted sickness back at him.

WVA billboard Crop-300x199

Kevin Oxenrider, a biologist employed in the Division of Natural Resources of the state of West Virginia, is a shaky customer who was so overcome by seeing his sick reflection in our mirror that he needed to pull off the road until he stopped shaking:

“This was so appauling [sic]…I literally had to pull my vehicle over and get myself together I was shaking so badly from how disgusted I was. Absolutely terrible.”


Mr. Oxenrider clearly needed to be delivered immediately to the intensive care unit of a ward for anti-white psychotics.

But instead, mounted astride his galloping anti-white psychosis, and putting the spurs to it like a demented Paul Revere from a parallel anti-white universe, Mr. Oxenrider rode furiously to his governor’s office in Charleston where he delivered his alarm that West Virginia was under siege from a billboard outside of Hanging Rock that was using free speech to oppose White Genocide.

According to articles at fightwhitegenocide.com and bigleaguepolitics.com, the owners of the billboard were not only contacted by callers urged on by Oxenrider (who had posted a further tweet that included the name and phone number of the owners, after he obtained those from the governor’s office), but were also contacted by the governor’s office directly, and feared that if they resisted, Oxenrider might use his influence to cause their businesses issues with permits and other matters, so they removed the billboard and returned the entire rental fee to fightwhitegenocide.com.OxenriderCrop169x300


That’s worth a moment’s diversion, since intermarriage per se is not the problem for us. The problem is that the flooding of our countries with third worlders, and the laws and propaganda that impel our assimilation with that large number of third worlders once they’ve arrived, raise the frequency of intermarriage to the point that we will be reduced to very small minorities in our countries or eventually blended out of existence altogether.Oxenrider’s insane first tweet makes me wonder if he’s married to a non-white and has mixed children, since that’s sometimes contributed to similar extreme reactions against our simple opposition to White Genocide.

And let’s note that this is not “voluntary,” since we never voted to have our countries flooded with the third world, nor did we vote for the laws and propaganda systems that press our assimilation with that third world.

If whites were allowed our own homelands as the other races of the world are allowed, and we were rid of laws that force assimilation and rid of anti-white propaganda that causes whites to hate themselves, intermarriage would occur at such a low rate that it would be inconsequential for our race as a whole, as was the case before the current madness was fastened on us.

Now you understand the broad scope of White Genocide if you didn’t before, and that also concludes our exciting narrative of Mr. Oxenrider and his strange but much-too-common illness.

H/T Fight White Genocide















Alex Jones dropped the White Genocide red pill:



H/T Occidental Dissent