White Genocide

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The US Secretary of State, John Kerry told a room full of Northeastern University graduate students that an open borders policy was not responsible for 9/11, and they should accept the destruction of the country’s borders.

Many of you were in elementary school when you learned the toughest lesson of all on 9/11,he said.

There are no walls big enough to stop people from anywhere, tens of thousands of miles away, who are determined to take their own lives while they target others.

So I think that everything that we’ve lived and learn tells us that we will never come out on top if we accept advice from sound-bite salesmen and carnival barkers who pretend the most powerful country on Earth can remain great by looking inward,

And hiding behind walls at a time that technology has made that impossible to do and unwise to even attempt.” (*Ahem* In other news, India has installed a laser border fence.)

For some people, that is all they need simply to climb under the sheets, close their eyes and push the world away,

And shockingly, we even see this attitude from some [Donald Trump] who think they ought to be entrusted with the job of managing international affairs.

The future demands from us something more than a nostalgia for some rose-tinted version of the past that did not really exist in any case,

You’re about to graduate into a complex and borderless world.

We hear all these politicians talking about this “open borders” mumbo-jumbo, but you’ll never hear them calling for open borders in Africa, Asia, Central America, the Middle East.

All this “open borders” stuff is only talked about for majority White countries. You see, all those Black, and Brown immigrants are here to “diversify” all your horrible White neighborhoods and enrich them!

Gee, anyone would think that “diversity” actually means “not White”. Well that’s because it is – it’s a more cryptic and hidden way of calling for the destruction of White majorities (legally defined as White genocide.)

H/T White GeNOcide Project



The “Stop Donald Trump Public Action Committee“, a group which opposes the Presidency of Donald Trump has Tweeted We hate White children #OnlyOffWhite.

They were responding to a Tweet which said “all off ur ‘principals’ lead to a America that doesn’t include white children..

Responses to their Tweet have ranged from agreement to calling the group anti-White.

I agree. Hate those Krackas” one Twitter account said.

Another account said “Finally you antiwhites show your true colors.

Of course they hate White children. Children are the future, and they don’t want the future to have White people in it.

Collectively, anti-Whites have forced “diversity” on White countries. Their aim is to eliminate White countries. This agenda is very clearly White genocide.

This may sound eye-rollingly over the top, but actually, the legal definition of genocide states that genocide is nothing more than an agenda to get rid of a group. In short, it does not have to be violent or involve rounding people into camps.

The anti-White elite hope to eliminate White areas with “diversity”. That fits the definition of genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project



Humza Yousaf, the Scottish government Minister for Europe and International Development, has written about White genocide on Twitter.


This was in response to a Tweet he received from someone who criticized the Scottish National Party, a left-wing party which wants Scotland to be separated from the UK, but also wants more non-European immigration.


While Yousaf and those who took his side made fun of being accused of White genocide, at least they are breaking the silence on this “diversity for White areas only” agenda.

In the words of Oscar Wilde, “There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


According to Adam Topolansky, a former U.S. diplomat, huge waves of White Western Europeans will try to escape from the “diversity” their leaders have forced on them.

Tens, possibly hundreds of thousands of German, Dutch, French, Belgian, and other western European citizens may opt to move to Hungary in the next 20–30 years and settle there in the wake of the migration crisis,writes Topolansky, who was himself born in Hungary.

Of course, some of them may prefer other destinations like Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, or other countries as well. But Hungary will be on top of their list as a destination country in which they will want to settle.

This reversed migration is a predictable trend as citizens of western Europe will want to escape their leaders’ suicidal migration policies and will seek a safer place to retire. Not only older people, but younger folks may also select Hungary as a preferred place to live and work.

The main reason for this exodus is that western Europeans do not want to live in fear surrounded by radical Muslims in their own countries.

As a result of these factors, there will be a major migration wave from West to East, while concurrently, migrants will continue to pile up on the western half of the continent in order to collect higher social benefits and seek higher paying jobs.

The manipulated breakdown of western European civilization is presumably some kind of ill-conceived revenge by the liberal western elite for the two world wars and Nazism.

If things keep going along as they do now, Topolansky’s prediction will probably turn out to be 100% correct.

The only thing is, he calls it suicide, even though he acknowledges that it’s the elite who have pushed for this agenda, contrary to public opinion.

This is not suicide. This is genocide – White genocide, as defined by international law.

Whenever you hear some elitist politician talking about “diversity”, what they mean is “get rid of Whites”.

Is Africa “too Black”? Asia “too Asian”? Or the Middle East “too Muslim”? Nope. Not according to those same people.

You see, to them “Diversity” is not about eliminating majorities – it’s about eliminating White majorities.

So whenever you next hear politicians or business leaders using the word “diversity” – now you know that it is just a code word for White genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


A school in the town of Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, England, has been downgraded because it didn’t have enough pictures of non-White people on the walls and didn’t preach about multiculturalism.

Ofsted, a government organization which inspects schools, is upset that the Town and Country Kiddies Nursery (Kindergarten) is primarily teaching kids about English culture.

The Ofsted report said that “[The School] Staff do not provide enough opportunities for children to develop a strong sense of belonging at the nursery and to learn about people who are different to themselves.

The school was rated as “outstanding“, but now it has been downgraded to just “good.”

The town of Market Rasen is 97% White, and England and Wales is 86% White. So you can see why parents of children who attend the school have called it out as “politically correct nonsense.

One anonymous mother said “Just because the majority of the kids are white shouldn’t be used as a stick to beat the nursery with.

The nursery does an excellent job, the atmosphere is inclusive and the staff break their backs to help every kid. This Ofsted report is a kick in the face for them and is yet another example of political correct nonsense.

Clare Worrell, another mother said “I do not know one ethnic minority family in Market Rasen. How can the school be classed as not ethnically diverse when there’s no call for it?

There’s only White people around here. It’s a great nursery and they shouldn’t be penalised for this.

In 2014, another English school in Lincolnshire was also downgraded because according to the Ofsted report, children were “not immersed daily with cultures you might find in a city-based environment.

These ‘politically correct’ social justice warriors are just very petty people inside. They’ve literally got nothing better to do than complain about there being too many pictures of White people on a wall. Pathetic.

But if you want to understand where this political correctness agenda comes from, you have to go higher up than the middlemen.

The elite class (not necessarily the rich) have decided that being White is a sin, and that’s why many traditionally White countries have had their borders opened up to mass non-White immigration.

The rapefugee invasion of Europe is just the latest attempts at the elite trying to open the borders to all that lovely “diversity” (which they themselves refuse to live around).

Their goal is to get rid of majority White countries. Everyone has their own opinion of what this is, but according to the highest international laws, this is legally, a program of White genocide.

The people who support this are accessories to the White genocide agenda espoused by the elite.

H/T White GeNOcide Project 



A White evangelical couple are bragging on The Washington Post’s website about how they have given birth to Black triplets, after being implanted with embryos.

They wanted Black children so their other adopted children, one who is Black and another who is mixed-race, would feel comfortable.

This past Sunday, my gorgeous wife – a white evangelical, like me — gave birth to our beautiful African-American triplet daughters whom we adopted as embryos.wrote the husband, .

These sweet girls will hopefully soon be coming home to meet their 3-year-old African-American brother and 2-year-old biracial sister, both of whom we adopted as infants.

Knowing that it is often more challenging to find adoptive homes in the United States for non-Caucasian children we informed the agency that we were willing to accept any child except a fully Caucasian child.

When we began the adoption process we knew race could play a major role in our family dynamics, which led us to ponder deeply what a racially diverse family would look like.

It’s not that we think race doesn’t exist, or that we don’t see it. In fact, it’s the opposite – we see it, and we embrace it.

There is something beautiful and enriching being the only white face sitting and chatting with some of my African-American friends as my son gets his hair cut on a Saturday morning.

When we met with the NEDC, we were again faced with the question of what ethnicity we would choose for our adopted embryos. We wanted additional siblings to feel connected to our first two children racially, and asked the team at the NEDC if we could be matched with African-American embryos.

In our minds, we are just living out our dream. A dream that may not look like the average family, but one that we are thankful could come true in light of our country’s history.

It’s especially encouraging to see so many of our fellow millennial evangelicals now placing a high priority on life, adoption and multi-ethnic families.

There you have it, their idea of a “racially diverse family” is one without their own White kids. All social justice warriors think that they are following a higher calling as the look down their noses on everyone else.

But it is we who should look down our noses at them. They have been tricked into following the anti-White “diversity” agenda that rich elites demand, and in their older life they may end up regretting it.

You can see just what we mean when we say “diversity” is a code for White genocide. Whenever you hear those in politics use the word, what they mean is: no White people.

H/T White Genocide Project