White Genocide

Tag Archive for: White Genocide


Islamic State said they will pay $50,000 to anyone who can kill the Bulgarian man who is catching illegal immigrants and handing them over to the police.

In February 2016, Dinko Valev made international headlines when he single-handedly caught more than 20 illegal immigrants who were trying to break into Europe.

Since then he has been organizing civil patrols of the Bulgarian-Turkish border, and has seen a huge growth in support.

The Bulgarian State Agency for National Security is now warning Valev that his name is on an ISIS contract killing list.

Valev doesn’t appear to be frightened by this, and he has even posted this information onto social media.

Why exactly do ISIS care? By defending the borders, he’s making it more difficult for them to move Jihadis into Europe.

Angela Merkel’s plan to “diversify” Europe with illegal Africans and Arabs has allowed ISIS to move their soldiers into the continent.

The international media, the Bulgarian government, and the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights (((funded by George Soros))) have all been attacking Dinko Valev for simply defending Europe . . . and now he has to deal with ISIS as well? What terrible times we live in.

Soros and other elites like him used their power and influence to open Europe up to massive non-Western immigration.

They’ve actually been doing this for several decades, but recently they’ve started letting illegal immigrants in as well.

It’s all part of the agenda to get rid of White areas and replace them with “multicultural” ones . . . and it’s just White genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


There has been a second shooting spree by a Black man this week – this time in Tennessee.

Lakeen Keon Scott opened fire at 2am on July 7th, in the town of Bristol, Tennessee. He killed two White women, one of them a mother, and injured several other White people.

Detectives from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation say that Scott “may have targeted people and officers” because they were White.

This shooting-spree came just a few hours after Micah Johnson, another Black man, opened fire on White police officers in Dallas, Texas.

Police said Johnson also “wanted to kill whites.

Just like Micah Johnson, Scott had an assault rifle, a handgun, and a large amount of ammo. The timing suggests the two cases may be related.

When police arrived at the scene, Scott opened fire on them, and they returned fire. He is still alive, but is in hospital.

The media has an anti-White agenda, and whenever a Black man is shot by police they focus on it and make it headline news. The statistics show that White people are actually more likely to be shot by police than other races.

You see, the mainstream media wants us to believe that Whites are oppressors, and the way to stop this “oppression” is by becoming a “melting pot” where Whites die out.

White people now make less than 70% of Americans, compared to 90% for most of the early 20th century. This “mixing out” of White people has been accomplished through massive non-Western immigration.

This is White genocide because this agenda results in no more Whites. Genocide does not have to be violent, it’s simply about getting rid of a group – that is the legal definition.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


William Lacy Clay, Congressman for Missouri’s First District, has asked the director of the FBI if the “#WhiteGenocide” hashtag is becoming too popular.

Some of these organizations seem relatively harmless, but others appear to be very dangerous and growing” said Clay.

In your experience, how dangerous are these groups and have they incited violence in the past?

The Director of the FBI said it was hard to answer such an abstract question, so Clay asked a more specific one.

Okay, let me ask about a more direct question. A gentleman named Andrew Anglin is the editor of a website called the Daily Stormer that is dedicated to the supremacy of the White race as well as attacking Jews, Muslims, and others.

The website features numerous posts with the hashtag #WhiteGenocide, to protest what they contend is an effort to eliminate the White race. Are you familiar with this movement?

Well this hashtag has been promoted all over social media by a growing number of White supremacists. For example one Nazi sympathizer Tweeted repeatedly using the handle @WhiteGenocideTM.

One of my biggest concerns is that certain public figures are actually promoting these dangerous groups even further, and as you may know one of our most vocal candidates for president retweeted @WhiteGenocideTM.

[See full video here.]

You heard that right, folks, a congressman is afraid of an internet hashtag!

He says we are “dangerous”. That’s right, we are very dangerous people. We are dangerous (to them) because we tell the truth.

It’s easy to take down liars, because you can just expose them. The only thing you can do to stop the truth is to silence those who speak it.

What we see is a “diversity” agenda being used to eliminate White people from America, Canada, Australia, and Europe.

This is White genocide and the anti-Whites know full well that is what they demand. The only thing they disagree with is calling it “genocide”. They would rather call it some nice name to deceive people.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


Italian police in the town of Prato, Tuscany, have arrested Chinese business racketeers who have been waging a race war on Arab and North African illegal immigrants.

Members from “the City of the White Stag“, a Chinese “cultural” group, have apparently been forming vigilante patrols and attacking any Arabs and North Africans they see.

In addition to vigilante patrols, on June 29th, there was a riot between Chinese and Italian police.

On July 1st, Italian police carried out raids on the Chinese gangsters who were suspected of attacking Arabs for suspected criminal activities and racially motivated violence.

The town of Prato has the second largest amount of Chinese in Italy, with about 16,000 first-generation Chinese immigrants, and an estimated 50,000 ethnic Chinese in total. That’s 1 out of every 4 people living in the town.

Before you question why there would be a war between Chinese and Arabs being waged in Italy, of all places, remember that this is the new and improved multiracial Italy.

You see, Italians may have given the world the Roman empire, classical civilization, and many things like that, but they are “too White”. And according to our color blind establishment, being “too White” is a sin.

This is what happens when a society tries to become, or is forced to become multiracial. The country turns into a no-man’s land, where groups fight for control.

However, this did not spring about naturally. After WW2, Western governments opened up our borders to massive non-Western immigration (without asking the people they are supposed to represent), and it continues to this day – and still against our will.

This agenda is just White genocide, because open borders are only forced on White places, and it’s intended to get rid of us.

No other group on earth will see its countries “diversified” in the way the West is. It is a deliberate agenda to get rid of us.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


Al Qaeda has written a guide instructing Muslim Jihadis to only attack areas where there are lots of straight White people.

The guide, “Inspire guide: Orlando operation” says Jihadis should carry out more attacks, but should “avoid targeting places and crowds where minorities are generally found in America.”

It tells them to only attack “areas where the Anglo-Saxon community is generally concentrated,

This class of the American community is the majority and it is the one that is in the American leadership.

The guide says: “We standby and support all Muslims who attack America in their homeland regardless of their affiliation to any group or loyalty

Damned White privilege again!

Actually, Al Qaeda is wrong on this. The US government cares the least about White Americans.

The various US governments throughout the years have continued the 1965 immigration policy which puts a cap on European immigration, but allows mass non-Western immigration.

The goal of this policy is to get rid of the White majority. They call it “diversity”, but it’s actuallyWhite genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


A German man who volunteered at a “refugee” center has discovered the truth about so-called “refugees”, and also that the mass media are trying to censor this information.

My first thought was that we must help these peoplehe said in a video on Youtube.I’m a humanist, and of the opinion that when someone is in need, he should be helped.

That’s why my first reflex was to be pro-refugee and to say that we must help all and everyone of them.

Then, I went to one of the refugee centers and joined a organization, in which I could do voluntary service.

The man was assigned to help three “refugees”. The first one was a young man from Afghanistan, who wanted nothing to do with the German man.

The second was a 50 year-old Syrian man who had been in Germany for 10 years, but refused to get a job and still couldn’t speak German properly.

The third was a Syrian man in his 20’s; he was Muslim but drank alcohol, smoked, dealt drugs near a school, was rude and aggressive, refused to work, and complained that his free apartment wasn’t big enough.

I didn’t understand how can someone come here as a refugee and the first thing this person does is to sell drugs.

I thought this was just a rumor. I thought it was just right-wing propaganda. But it wasn’t. It is the reality. Just the reality.

[I] stopped helping this person and wrote a letter to this organization in which I clearly stated that I didn’t have the impression that this person was in need of help.

I wrote about the three bad experiences I’ve had; that I was really disillusioned, that I was disappointed and confronted with an unexpected reality.

We are being told something completely different. We see in the media something completely different. And we are gagged every time we try to speak about these things.

The argument always goes like: ‘but have you experienced this first-hand or have you got this information from people that just want to agitate against refugees?’ – Yes, I have experienced this.

This is the first hand account of a man who gave up his own time to help out so-called “refugees”. You will not hear this in the mainstream media because it does not fit their agenda.

Whenever they are forced to tell the truth about “refugees”, people start to get shocked with what their government is allowing to happen.

People think that those in government just want to help the “refugees”. No, actually, they want to “diversify” Europe, America, Australia, etc.

Getting fake refugees into majority White countries is just another phase of the ongoing White genocide agenda.

It started in the mid 20th century, when our borders were opened up to non-Western immigration. It will not end until we become a minority in our own homes — unless we stop it, and the anti-Whites.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


While Western leaders keep trying to “diversify” all the majority White countries, Japan refuses to do the same thing to themselves.

In June 2014, Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzō Abe, was considering to flood the country with Chinese immigrants in order to get more workers.

Takaaki Mitsuhashi, one of Japan’s top economic analysts, was angry with the plan, and spoke out on TV about how this would hurt the Japanese people.

Japan does currently have a labor shortage. This means, that from now on all wages of Japanese workers are going to rise – a welcome situation” he said.

But during this stage, if we start taking in foreign workers, our real wages will undoubtedly be suppressed.

When our workers are forced to compete with the low wages of Chinese workers, real wages will fall, and Chinese will keep flooding in.

There are already 700,000 here. And then they’ll multiply to 2 million, 3 million, 4 million.

Since then, Japanese people have expressed their anger with Abe’s plan to flood the country, and now he has been forced to take back his words.

In a United Nation’s General Assembly in September 2015, Abe said:

And regarding our [Japan’s] population issues, there are many things we should do first before accepting immigrants. Such as the inclusion of women or elderly into our economy.

And we still have dozens of means to increase our birth rate.

Mass immigration to Western countries was started in around the 1960’s – 1970’s. This was long before there was a low birth-rate or any of the problems we have today.

These were all just excuses to justify opening the West to non-White immigration in an attempt to “diversify” us.

It’s not “diversity”, it’s quite simply White genocide. That may sound a little over the top, but it is really is genocide.

The anti-Whites are trying to destroy White majority countries and areas with mass non-White immigration. Go and read the UN genocide conventions, and see for yourself.

H/T White GeNOcide Project