White Genocide

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Paweł Adamowicz, the mayor of Gdańsk, is using his powers to force his “diversity” agenda on the city.

One poll shows that 2 out of 3 of Poles do not want immigrants, and 69% do not want non-White people, but the mayor said they are all “stupid, frightened people.

I am a European so my nature is to be open” he told The Guardian. “Gdańsk is a port and must always be a refuge from the sea.

When people say that welcoming refugees is like opening our city to Muslim terrorists, I tell them not to worry, the terrorists are far more interested in the big European capitals than in little Gdańsk.

Mayor Adamowicz is funding the Migrants’ Support Center, and networking with the local Muslim League to force his “diversity” agenda on Poland.

Adamowicz is also networking with the mayors of Wrocław and Wałbrzych, two other Polish cities. The three mayors have signed a “declaration of co-operation on openness and intercultural dialogue.

He said he may eventually be voted out of office “because of stupid, frightened people” but accepts that.

Right now I feel like my citizens need me. I have two-and-a-half years left as mayor and that is enough time to shift attitudes. It is important that influential people stand up for positive European values. We should take refugees. Poland is poor, but it is not as poor as Bulgaria or Romania.

So there you have it. The people say they don’t want non-White immigrants. The mayor basically says ‘yes you do want them, you just don’t know it yet’, and starts trying to bring them in.

Whenever politicians talk about their much-loved “diversity” agenda, what they mean is, “we need to make it less White.”

You won’t see those same politicians calling for “diversity” in Africa or Asia, because “diversity” is not about mixing the planet – it’s about mixing White people until we become a minority in our own countries.

It’s not “diversity”. That’s just a code word for White genocide.


Frank Rossavik, the political editor for Norway’s Bergens Tidende newspaper, said that he wanted immigration entirely because he wanted White people to have mixed race children.

I remember well the immigration debates of the time when I was a student in the early 1980s” he writes on AftenPosten.

But I had bigger ambitions than that of the then-famous slogan ‘Yes to a colorful community.’ For me, immigration was an opportunity to solve two problems.

Firstly, I was concerned that people were not pretty enough. Pakistanis are for example not unattractive, usually. The same applies to White Norwegians. But mixing them creates a multitude of beautiful children of different color shades.

The second issue concerned the role of religion. In the 1980s, I was on the warpath against Christianity. It threatened me as a homosexual, an atheist and as the critically minded man in my youth I thought I was.

The aim was thus the mixing of races and religions. At the time I thought that both were destined to become reality, only it would take a few decades.

I have not given up, but so far it does not look so good.

Rossavik then cites statistics which show that the most frequent mixed marriages are Norwegian-Danish, and that most people from non-White groups say they want to marry their own people.

Youngsters should be doing it. By marrying someone from a different background, one weakens racism and the oppressive aspects of religion. Moreover, you will probably have prettier children.

This reminds me of the Irish politician who said mixing immigrants with Irish “better looking and taller” children.

Most of the anti-Whites who want to get rid of White majorities won’t admit it directly. But here we have the confession of a journalist who tells you why he wants White genocide.

As we keep saying, “diversity” is just their code word for White genocide. Whenever you hear them say “diversity” what they mean is, “let’s get rid of Whites”.

We have to keep repeating ourselves on this point, because anti-Whites have sneaky ways of saying one seemingly innocent thing, but actually meaning something more sinister.

H/T White GeNOcide Project

In Portland, Oregon, a Black History Professor, James Harrison, gave a speech about how the world would be so much better without *ahem* “Whiteness” (by which, of course, they mean White people.)

Harrison’s anti-White comments yet again prove that anti-racist is just a code word for anti-White. He, and many others, claim to be against “racism”, but you will notice that this “racism” they complain about only ever exists where there are White people.

Speaking at Portland Community college he said:

Imagine all the people living life in peace. John Lennon penned these words in 1971, and my interpretation is that he’s talking about imagine everyone living together in peace.

That would be not necessarily a perfect world, but a good world, and how do we get to that good world is the question.

A world without conflict, and to me, my interpretation of these words is it would be a world for [the] US without Whiteness . . . in terms of the power structure.

And then so the question would be: what is Whiteness?

Black people are kicking White people out of Zimbabwe, killing Whites in South Africa, and evendenying citizenship to non-Black people in Liberia, but every professor (who wants to keep their job) must agree that White people are all evil Nazis. Evil KKK racists who have ruined the world and must be “diversified” into a minority.

Apparently, this is the “moderate” viewpoint; the “Extremist” viewpoint, according to those in power, is to be against White genocide.

Yes, you read that right – being AGAINST the genocide of White people is an “extremist” viewpoint.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


The UK Home Office, in charge of immigration, is again showing its anti-White bias by deporting an American mother who started a family with an English man.

English-born Dominic James and his American-born wife Katy have a two year-old daughter who was born in Eastbourne, England.

Katy has lived and worked in Britain since 2003, and has never claim benefits (welfare). The couple have been married for nine years, but she has been separated from her baby daughter after the Home Office deported her back to the US, because the family temporarily moved there in 2009.

Dominic James saidWe recently applied for a visa, requesting the Home Office to consider an application for my wife to remain in the UK. We included 15 letters of support, including personal messages from close friends, our doctor, our daughter Madeline’s nursery, our parish priest and bank manager.

Our family wrote the stories of how my grandfathers fought and died in the wars for our country, to secure the freedom of their future generations. But it was all to no avail: the Home Office says that my wife can return to the US on her own, leaving me to look after our daughter without her mother.

They refused our application on the grounds that breaking a family apart is a reasonable and justifiable decision, even though Madeline’s life will be broken apart.

I rue the day I decided to try life in America for a temporary period in 2009 as I had no idea that the UK government would close the door on us and deny us the right to return. All of us who find ourselves unable to live here with our non-EU spouses never expected it; a betrayal of our rights as British citizens, locked out of our own country, exiled for the mistakes made by previous immigration policies.

Our life has been on hold since we applied. Their verdict is a great blow to us and will impact the life of all our close family, and especially my daughter.

Last September, we saw the anti-White agenda on display again when a 14 year-old Ukrainian Orphan girl was being deported, despite her English adoptive parents begging not to send her back to her war-torn country.

Meanwhile, Britain, a White Christian country, has plenty of room for “thousands” (David Cameron’s words) of “Syrian” men that Brown Muslim countries aren’t interested in helping.

You see, even though Britain may have a Conservative government, but they, like a Liberal or Labour government also want to “diversify” the country.

Whether left-wing or right-wing, those in the top parts of society are aiming to destroy White majority countries by mixing us with non-White people.

If this was done to any other group on the planet, Tibetans for example, it would be called genocide, and only an evil psychopath would support such an agenda.

However, we are living in a world where White genocide is not only acceptable but desirable, and to publicly oppose this agenda can get you in trouble with the law, in some countries.

Fortunately, it is perfectly legal to call them out and say “diversity” is just a code word for White genocide – they can’t take that from us.

H/T White GeNOcide Project 

tumblr_mri7c3ok7y1rmby1bo map demo (1)

This gif shows the ethnic displacement of the White race in the continental United States between 1960 and 2010.

And it certainly hasn’t slowed down over the last six years, nor does it appear that it will ever slow down. We are being forcibly integrated with foreign people, they are erasing our culture and ultimately they will erase us.

What is happening clearly fits the UN’s definition of “genocide” as outlined in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG), adopted in 1948:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

We are being subject to all of these conditions, save (a) and (e) (and one could argue we are being subject to (a) on some level, given the amount of non-White-on-White murders in this country – though it isn’t systematic in the way that our displacement is).

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group

The Jews are causing us serious mental harm with non-stop propaganda telling us we are evil and owe infinity everything to the innocent brown people we are subconsciously oppressing. The endless media chanting about “racism” and “White privilege” and “unarmed teen” is a form of scientific psychological warfare against our people, intended to destroy us mentally and emotionally so as we accept our own destruction.

The education system is also determined to brainwash children into self-hatred from a very young age.

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part

This is the key. They are ethnically cleansing us from our own cities and towns, forcing us by law to integrate with hostile foreign groups. This lowers the birthrate of Whites between one another, due to the lack of safety and a feeling of alienation that goes along with living in “diverse” communities. It also increases the miscegenation rate, which without diversity would necessarily be zero.

Part of the above-mentioned brainwashing program is to normalize miscegenation among the masses, particularly among women. Though of course no one is being forced to have sex with non-Whites and produce children with them, when diversity reaches a certain level, mixed-race relationships become simply a statistical probability.

Along with this, we are being forced to pay for all of these people with our tax money, which creates in an extreme financial burden which contributes to a lower birthrate due to a perceived inability to provide for children.

It is also true that those prone to avoiding miscegenation are likely to also be people who are more concerned about responsible parenting, and are thus less likely to have children when they feel financial pressure.

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group

This point relates to the above points regarding financial pressure and “diversity.”

The Jewish doctrine of feminism is also proven to work with White women almost exclusively (and they are the ones it is sold to). This bizarre doctrine teaches women that they should not get married at a young age, and instead pursue a career (and due to financial pressure, many women see themselves not having a choice in the matter, even if they have not bought into feminism).

Women then wait until they are in their late twenties or early thirties to start thinking about children – when the biological alarm clock begins buzzing – and it this point, they are only able to have one or two children. Many end up not having any children at all, overcoming their biological drives with a haughty adherence to Jew brainwashing.


There is of course much that could be added to this. There are virtually infinite factors that converge to create a situation where Whites are becoming fewer and fewer in number as they are systematically replaced by non-Whites in their own countries.

I will note that it doesn’t matter if the Jews are doing this “on purpose” or not. In my view, they are driven to do this by their genetics. They naturally view the White race as a biological enemy, and so will automatically do whatever they can to harm us. There are also, of course, complex economic factors involved with the flooding of this country with non-Whites.

Ultimately, it makes no difference. What is happening is happening, regardless of the specific intentions of those carrying out the program.

Basic math can show that on a long enough time line – and not an especially long time line – we will cease to exist. This is just a natural fact.

And yet, the term “White genocide” is now constantly portrayed by the media as “White supremacist propaganda,” as if it is somehow untrue.

Well, if it is untrue, then show me the math of how it is possible, if we continue on the same path as we are right now, that Whites will not be nigh completely wiped out of existence by the turn of the next century.


It’s time to stand up and say “no.” Our existence depends on it.

H/T Daily Stormer

H.Avenger: "Everyone knows that in 50 years there will be NO White countries left. And everyone knows that anyone White who states this fact openly will be called a White Suuupreeemacist and/or a Naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews."



Frans Timmermans, the Vice President of the European Commission, gave a speech saying that Europe is not allowed to remain majority White.

Diversity is now in some parts of Europe seen as a threat” he said.

Diversity comes with challenges. But diversity is humanity’s destiny.

There is not going to be, even in the remotest places of this planet, a nation that will not see diversity in its future. That’s where humanity is heading.

And those politicians trying to sell to their electorates a society that is exclusively composed of people from one culture, are trying to portray a future based on a past that never existed, therefore that future will never be.

Europe will be diverse, like all other parts of the world will be diverse.

The only question is, how do we deal with that diversity? And my answer to that is, by ensuring that our values determine how we deal with diversity and not giving up our values to refuse diversity. That will bring us down as a society.

If we don’t get this right, I truly believe Europe will not remain the Europe we built. Europe will not remain a place of peace and freedom, for very long.

This speech is originally from October 2015, but there has been a complete media blackout, at least on the web.

They talk about “mixing the races” or “mixing the world”, but it is only in White areas where this “mixing” must be enforced by law, and those who oppose it are labelled with scary-sounding words.

There is no international pressure on any Asian countries to destroy their Asian majority. There is no international pressure on any Black countries to destroy their Black majority.

This is White genocide. “Diversity” is entirely about destroying White countries. This is genocide under the highest international laws, and those who push it may end up like Saddam Hussein.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


In Berlin, Germany, Post-Colonial Berlin” is complaining that streets are named after people they don’t like.

For example, the street of Petersallee is named after Carl Peters, one of the men behind the founding of a German colony in East Africa.

There is also the street of Lüderitzstraße, which is named after Adolf Lüderitz, a founder of a German colony in Southwest-Africa.

They are also upset about the street of Nachtigallplatz, named after Gustav Nachtigall, an explorer who traveled through Africa.

Mnyaka Sururu Mboro, an African and member of the group, is angry about this.

Carl Peters was so brutal, I cannot understand that some people are proud to have a street named after him in this quarter” he said.

Christian Kopp, another member of the group said “We have thousands of streets in Berlin, but we do not know any street in Berlin honoring a person from Africa. That needs to change,

And in Nigeria or Zimbabwe, there are no streets honoring Germans. Who cares, apart from silly crybabies?

These demands are upsetting some Berliners, who see this as a pointless and petty issue.

I wasn’t even born when Peters was in Africa. Don’t we have bigger problems than street names?” one upset man said.

A woman said “Can’t we leave the past behind? We do not have anything to do with those colonialists,

Local Berliners have formed a group to oppose this changing of street names.

Johann Ganz, the association chairman of this anti-sign change group said “These names belong to our community, to our neighborhood, to our culture.

We want peace and quiet to return to our neighborhood,” he said.

Unfortunately, peace and quite is the last thing you’ll get if you happen to be White. The “diversity” agenda is entirely about White people, or more specifically, getting rid of us, and to a lesser extent our culture and customs.

You will never see anyone complaining about a lack of “diversity” in a Black country because “diversity” is not about changing those countries.

It’s entirely about destroying majority White countries by making them multi-racial. Simply put, “diversity” is White genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project