White Genocide

Tag Archive for: White Genocide


King Harald the fifth of Norway gave a speech on Thursday 1st of September 2016, in which he claimed that there isn’t really a Norwegian nationality.

Speaking at the garden party hosted in his Royal Palace he said:

Norwegians come from the north of Norway, from the middle, from the south and all the other regions.

Norwegians are also immigrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Poland, – Sweden, Somalia and Syria.

It is not always easy to say where we come from; to which nationality we belong.

Home is where the heart is. That cannot always be placed within country borders.

Norwegians are girls who love girls. Boys who love boys. And boys and girls who love each other.

Norwegians believe in God, Allah, everything and nothing. Norwegians like Grieg, Kygo, Hellbillies and Kari Bremnes. In other words: you are Norway. We are Norway

Of course Norwegians exist! You know it, we know it, the King knows it.

Why exactly do elites keep telling us that certain people don’t really exist?

It’s one of the stages of genocide. They deny that a group exists, so that they can justify the destruction of that group.

Norwegian are White, and there is a White genocide agenda being pushed in the West. Those in power are trying to get rid of the White majorities in Europe and countries founded by Europeans.

They call it “no borders” or “globalism” but what they mean is, “no borders for the West.” It’s just White genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


A study from George Washington University has found that Stop White Genocide activism on Twitter has increased a MASSIVE 600% in the last 4 years. Or in other words, for every 1,000 activists in 2012, there were 6,000 more in 2016.

Today, they outperform ISIS in nearly every social metric, from follower counts to tweets per day” the university report said.

According to the study, the most popular accounts on Twitter added “about 22,000 followers since 2012, an increase of about 600%.

Activists were “heavily invested in Donald Trump’s presidential campaign“, but #whitegenocide was the most used hashtag.


It said the movement “outperformed ISIS in most current metrics and many historical metrics” and “had substantially higher follower counts than ISIS supporters, and tweeted more often.

Media coverage can lead to increased curiosity,” which in turn feeds “their social media success.

H/T White GeNOcide Project




Alexander Bassey, a 17 year old mixed race 2nd generation immigrant, was sentenced to 8 years in prison after he pleaded guilty to attacking five White teenage boys with “highly corrosive industrial strength” cleaner.

The five teenagers were waiting for a train in Ockendon station, Essex, England, on Sunday May 22.

When a train arrived, Bassey was already on it. He called over to the teenagers and tried to lure them onto the train, but they remained seated.

When the victims refused, Bassey exited the train and approached the group whilst yelling abuse at them” said a spokesman for the British Transport Police.

One of the boys said “we don’t want any trouble“, but Bassey pulled out a bottle of industrial strength cleaner and squirted it over all five of them.

As the boys were screaming in agony and fearing for their lives, Bassey calmly went back onto the train and started laughing with his gang of about 20 friends.

As well as the psychological damage of the attack, one of the five teenagers was blinded in one eye, and another had the taste buds on his tongue corroded away.

This Brown-on-White hate crime has not received the kind of international attention that a White-on-Black one does.

The mainstream media ignores these kinds of attacks because they want us to believe that White people are evil. Why would they want that? It’s because they want to get rid of White societies, and painting us as the devil and getting us to hate ourselves makes it easier for them.

Why would they want to get rid of White areas? Now that, I can’t answer. All I know is that this . . . whatever it is they are trying to do . . . is legally defined as genocide of White people.

Before you tell me it’s not genocide, Google the UN genocide conventions and you’ll realize genocide is simply the deliberate and targeted elimination of a group of people. The methods don’t matter.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


At 4PM on August, 6th, a man with a machete slashed two police women who were standing outside a police station in the Belgian city of Charleroi.

The attacker walked up to the two women, pulled a machete out of his backpack, and attacked the women with the machete while shouting “Allahu Akbar.

The attacker was shot dead by another officer, but both police women still sustained injuries, with one woman having to be rushed to hospital with deep cuts to her face.

According to mainstream media, the attacker’s identity and motives are unknown. But Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel said “initial indications very clearly point towards terrorism.

After Europe’s politicians effectively got rid of the borders by allowing illegal immigrants to come in, people are now starting to realize why they existed in the first place.

The European ruling class wants to eliminate White majority societies, and that is why since the 1960s, mass non-Western immigration was allowed for the first time in Europe’s history.

This sick agenda to get rid of majority White areas is White genocide. It is elimination by immigration, and it is a crime of the highest order.

H/T White GeNOcide Project 

The present administration hasn't acted to stop the flooding of the United States or of other White countries with third-world non-Whites, nor to reverse the rulings that force Whites to integrate with those non-Whites in order to "assimilate," i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence.

Massive immigration and forced assimilation is genocide when it's done in Tibet, and it's genocide when it's done in White countries, by UN Convention:

“Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”

Those carrying out this policy of genocide say they're anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

Diversity is a code word for White Genocide.

White self-hatred is SICK!!

White House Petition