This Week In #WhiteGenocide 5 – Playing the Trump Card Against White Genocide


This week In #WhiteGenocide - 5

Playing the Trump Card Against #WhiteGenocide

Horus - @eurorabbit
Enoch - @J_Enoch_Powell
Asgardian - @warowhites
FashGordon - @ratlinesmemes
Truck Roy - StormFront Radio
Special Guest - ElectrE B.B - @ElectrelsMore

:30 - Introduction

1:45 - Multiculturalism, Trump, Action-Reaction-Solution

11:50 - Mindset of Power & Political Victory

15:30 - Goy Friends - Oy Vey

19:15 - Energy Flow and Trump Control

25:00 - Haircuts, Homos and Mainstream National Socialism

37:04 - Elite Wild Cards & "White Kid" Preservation

46:02 - The Resistance vs. The Beta Male Machine

49:56 - All In The Family against #WhiteGenocide

51:20 - Special Guest ElectrE from France

8 replies
  1. Rob Johnson
    Rob Johnson says:

    I’m a new Bugser and new here. Great podcast Horus. Looking forward to picking up some strategies from you folks!

  2. H.Avenger
    H.Avenger says:


    Welcome. You can listen the first couple Follow the White Rabbits and then cruise through the Truck Roy interviews and get all kinds of nuggets. Also feel free to listen to BeefCake’s Bootcamp on White Genocide Project (as well as Bob’s Untrained Eye).

  3. MantraProud
    MantraProud says:

    Thanks man, will do.
    Some of these podcasts cut off early. Have you had others raise this question or is it on my end?

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