This Week In #WhiteGenocide – 3 – Return of the Anti-White Jedi

This Week In #WhiteGenocide - 3
Return of the Anti-White Jedi

Horus - @eurorabbit
Truck Roy - StormFront Radio on
Asgardian - @warowhites
Fash Gordon - @RatLinesMemes

MeinVolk - @MeinVolk

1:04 Horus, Soundcloud and the direction of This Week In #WhiteGenocide

3.40 The controversy of #BoycottStarWars VII

6:02 Truck Roy from StormFront Radio on

13:34 Scamming Whites, Seeding Memes and the Con

26:04 Why it works. Samizdat

36:34 The Enduring Message and the Elite Hedge Bets

41:04 Intermission (MeinVolk's heretofore unknown musical talent)

43:44 Free for All
More Star Wars Speculation
Is Asgardian TK1488?
The Radical Change of White SciFi

61:04 Back to the Basics of White Retro Culture

1:14:31 - Refugees on the Move
Women and Whats to Come in the Pro White Movement
Breakdown of the Narrative
Clash of Civilization

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