This week in #WhiteGenocide 1


Welcome to the new format for our podcast. Fans of Horus the Avenger's Follow the White Rabbit should like the new updated format to take into account the growth of our memes.  Feel free to get on SoundCloud and follow us for automatic updates as as new podcasts come out.

This Week In White Genocide is an open discussion about exposing #WhiteGenocide. Each podcast brings attention to current news and views on social media pertaining to #WhiteGenocide by guest speakers in an open forum.
This week features Horus(@eurorabbit)of and activist Asgardian (@warowhites)

1:00 - Introduction to This Week In #WhiteGenocide

2:55 - Intro to Asgardian(@warowhites )

3:53 - Donald Trump - Win Lose or White Hactivism

8:00 -Twittersphere - Mass memeing, robocalls, triggering Anti-Whites.

16:10 - Mustafa, Robocalls and Asgardian’s open challenge for Tim “Anti-White” Wise

26:00 Weev Opens Pandora’s Box at Ashley Madison

30:38 - European Resistance to Mass Immigration

39:01 - General Gage and the Trigger Printer live to fight another day


6 replies
  1. Brett Johnson
    Brett Johnson says:

    had to use Maxthon web browser to get soundcloud to work. Opera didn’t load the sound file. sounds good so far. . .

  2. Brett Johnson
    Brett Johnson says:

    the sound level changes, gets really loud sometimes – need to even out the sound level.

    Good start guys.

  3. Amber Samuels
    Amber Samuels says:

    I started to use #antiwhite #Cuckservatives together in comments Yesterday. Most of the time at the end of a comment I post



    I think i met Asgardian on Pal Talk Sat. I will be on Next Sat. SalemcountyWhiterabbit

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