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Saturday, March the 15 was the day of the much talked about and highly anticipated White Man March. Rumors had spread far and wide through the net about the event, a day when "supremacists" and "naziswhowanttokillsixmillionjews" would be boldly and openly marching down the streets of New York and elsewhere! Of course there is one key problem with that, the event was planned as a day of open field activism where anyone and everyone could participate in some way, no matter how big or small. The Anti-Whites opposed to this of course took the WMM scheduled in March as something very literal, one can understand as there were CLEARLY no indications of a play on words.

Curiously enough the WMM march was not just a success due to the activists but in large part thanks to the ones opposing it! Thanks to twitter the WMM is now the subject of not one but TWO wildly active, trending Hashtags. #WhiteManMarch and #WhiteManMarchProtestSigns are still active as of now, a full three days after the event. Like a mosqitue drawn to the pretty light of the bug zapper the Anti-Whites couldn't help but take the bait. A consistent message is like a letter, it doesn't matter HOW it gets delivered, only that it GETS delivered. Some of the tweets sent out range from mockery to complete disbelief

And troll they did! Something we can't thank them enough for! But enough about the cannon fodder, one of the REAL heroes of this event, or should we say Heroine was none other than Laura aka Minnie Erva as she's know to BUGSers. It seems the epicenter of the days event was most definitely in Knoxville, Tennessee where Minnie and several others gathered together in solidarity to protest the crime of White Genocide. Helping give us press is one of the websites Minnie reached out too, which even wrote an article about the event.  RAW Story article on Minnie
In it the article talks about their discussions with Minnie via E-mail, asking about her statement made at the Knoxville event about how Fighting White Genocide is no different than the Japanese keeping Japan homogenous. Their response was to point out that this is America and the Native Americans were here first. (Of course also ignoring that Amerindians crossed the bering strait with roughly 20% of their genes coming from the maternal line of a now EXTINCT group of Indo-Europeans)

The always bold Minnie had this to say in response"C’mon man, no other people are told that diversity and multiculturalism is a strength, and that if they don’t accept it they are labeled hate words like ‘racist’," she replied. "You know as well as I that they only demand All White countries and Only White countries to accept the melting pot! Or are you going to tell me now that melting pots are promoted in all countries?…’Anti-racists’ only demand White countries turn themselves non-White because of their history. Why are you JUSTIFYING GENOCIDE??"

But perhaps credit should be given where it's due, certainly did not put up as much resistance as most, did not resort to insults and most shockingly didn't seem to disagree with Minnie's point of view.

Perhaps the mainstream is finding the White Genocide message harder and harder to deny? maybe even some secretly nodding their heads in silent agreement?
Only time will tell but what is most CERTAIN is that the WMM and its unwitting trolls has opened the doors to many MANY new recipients to the message.

Chief of Plano fire department, Brian Crawford, revealed his to plan to “diversify” (replace) the mostly White staff in the fire department.

Anti-White Proposition: There can be NO all White Fire Departments!














Out of the 250 applicants we had that took our last exam, about 79% were white or white male,” Crawford said.

That does not reflect the community that we serve.

And they go, ‘Wow, I see someone who looks like me.’ That’s our best recruiting tool, and right now, that’s a challenge for us,” Crawford said.

Crawford’s department is 94% White, 6% non-White, or numerically, of the 333 firefighters, 313 are white, and 20 are non-White, with 10 of them being Hispanic (mixed-race).

The Fire chief is putting a strong emphasis on recruiting non-White firefighters, and he’s now traveling to minority White areas, groups, and institutions, such as schools, churches, and mosques, and encouraging them to join Plano Fire- Rescue.

There was a similar anti-White move in Los Angeles at the beginning of this year, where Mayor Eric Garcetti called the city’s fire department “too White”, at 50% White.

All anti-Whites agree that when an area is minority White it is “diversity”, but when an area is majority White it is “in need of diversity”.

“Diversity” has never been a global ideology. Why? Because a lot of countries don’t have White people in them. “Diversity” is simply a codeword for White genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


Snuggle Bunny 1.




"Here’s a stumper: if the definition of irony is typically something like “that which goes against expectations,” then how could an Avant-Garde artist—one who is expected to test the boundaries of our expectations—ever satisfy popular, mainstream, garden-variety tastes in irony? At some point, the Avant-Garde artist will, according to his nature, go against the expected means by which the unexpected is supposed to be realized; he will offer us a new unexpectedness


And a new unexpectedness is direly needed. For about a century now, ever since, say, Duchamp’s 1917 “Fountain”—a men’s urinal intended as a piece of ready-made statuary—so-called Avant-Garde artists have reveled in ironically overturning, at every turn, concepts of beauty, decency, and of art itself.  Thus “shock art,” this militancy against the status quo in Western culture has paradoxically become the status quo and has rendered itself increasingly tame, passé, and hardly shocking at all. It is as the late Jonathan Bowden has said: “Revolutionary art becomes liberal wallpaper.” Thus whether it is Rick Gibson’s “Human Earrings” (earrings made from human fetuses), or a tin of “Artist’s Shit” by Piero Manzoni, or Tracy Emin’s “My Bed” (unmade with soiled sheets and menstrual-stained undies), or . . . well you get the idea. The point is that a little of this goes a long way. Soon being “edgy” looses its edge as the masses become ever-more desensitized. Soon irony devours itself."


Article continues with a nice piece on White Rabbit Radio and AntiRacist Hitler.
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Spotted on an Australian freeway!  This sign was getting attention from drivers miles away. 

Whoever you are? Nice job Rabbit!


If you want to go to Germany and take advantage of the years in prison they give out so freely for speaking heresy, I have an easy two-step program by which you can be guaranteed a nice warm cell.
First, pass out pamphlets that refer to “Die Juedische Rasse,” “the Jewish race.” This is the term National Socialists used when THEY were handing out prison terms for heresy.
In our Politically Correct society, A Jew can be whatever he wants to be. The Jewish doctor on “Northern Exposure” told the Indians “I’m not white. I look white but I’m not.” He said that, like them, he had his own tribe.
A tribe is a social construct.
When the Prime Minister of Israel refers to “my nation” he is not talking about Israel. He refers to the “six million people of my nation” that Hitler killed.
I don’t know anybody this side of David Duke who would use the term “Jewish race,” and I haven’t even heard him use it.
So Jews can be a religion or a nation or a non-white minority group they choose in any conversation. They never choose “the Jewish RACE.
Which brings us to the second step on how to get an automatic Hate Speech sentence in Germany today.
Add this to your pamphlet:
“The Nazis did not commit genocide because Jews are not a race.”


610X320 BLUE NO OUTLINE - Copy

In an essay, a professor discusses how London was made minority White, and how other majority White places can be as well.

A while back, Demos and Birkbeck college had conducted a study which found that non-Whites in Britain did not want to move to White areas, and Whites in Britain did not want to live in the majority non-White areas in London, and moved out to the majority White countryside.

Eric Kaufmann, a professor of politics at Birkbeck College, wrote an essay in the “Demos Quarterly”, where he discusses this in more detail.

When census results were released in December 2012, a headline story was the dramatic change in the ethnic makeup of Britain. Nationally, the number of people from an ethnic minority background doubled in the ten years since 2001. In London, the white British dropped from 58 to 45 percent of the total. In absolute terms, 620,000 fewer white British people lived in the capital in 2011 than in 2001 despite a population boom which added a million people to London’s population.” the essay says.
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antiracistantiwhite1"Horus the Avenger of White Rabbit Radio sends out his minions to spread “the Mantra,” proclaiming, “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white” and other derivations of the racist message. While racist rabbits sending minions might sound like some sort of internet hoax, marchers in Springfield’s Jan. 20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration encountered one of the propagators of the Mantra, Jimmy Marr. Marr was standing in front of Springfield High School with a woman holding a sign that read, “Diversity is a code word for anti-white.” Marr was wearing a kilt and playing the bagpipes."

Minions! LMAO.  We love it.  Of course, they do need to get their facts straight.  BOB WHITAKER did the sending!

"Dana Jo Cook of Springfield says MLK marchers were visibly upset by the sign, and she took a photo and sent it to EW for publication in order to bring “a face to the level of discrimination in our community.” 

Cook and others familiar with Marr — who is probably best known in Lane County for giving a pro-National Socialist talk at the Pacific Forum discussion group and leading some members of the audience in a Nazi salute — said they had heard Marr was considering running for mayor. EW asked for confirmation of the rumor in the blog post. 

Marr posted in the comments section of the blog that “I had not considered the idea, but I can now see from the comments that I have a moral mandate to exploit every conceivable avenue capable of producing an increase in awareness of White geNOcide.” The spelling of genocide is called for in the “White Rabbit rendition” of the Mantra and the capitalization of white is called for by Bob Whitaker on his racist site, where he also tells followers to “use emotional language” and to ask questions like “Why do you hate little White children?”"

Yes, Jimmy Marr is a powerhouse of performance.....Kilt or No kilt!  We still don't know whether the Eugene Weekly is sweet on White Rabbits. Are they going out of their way trying to give us some publicity?   Or maybe they are doing a little publicity seeking of their own?  Jimmy Marr has commented:  "You know times are hard for the anti-White establishment when they are forced to actually print the news. Last week's White geNOcide thread was the most popular thread in the history of the Eugene Weekly Blog by a factor of at least 100X."
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