White Genocide

Tag Archive for: White Genocide



The Mirror’s US Editor, Christopher Bucktin, recently visited Harrison, Arkansas declaring it the most “racist” town in America. Why?? Because it is “too white”.

Christopher Bucktin despises white people. His self hatred is SICK!

As of this morning, this article has 11,511. That is some priceless free exposure for our message.

H/T Fight White Genocide



We’re winning the globalism vs. nationalism fight. The next fight is civic nationalism vs. racial nationalism. If we don’t win that, we don’t win anything.

Our enemies are doing everything they can to turn this wave of dislike of Political Correctness and Globalism into something “anti-racist” (only in White countries, of course). Look at Breitbart or Infowars.

“America for Americans!” Well, duh, that’s what we’ve been saying forever. The trouble is, they say anyone can be an American. And now America is at least 40% non-white.

They say a nation is it’s values. Or they say that there is something magical in the dirt that makes everyone who steps on it an “American.” We say a nation is its people and that values are an expression of race.

They say anyone of any race just needs to be taught and incentivized to hold the correct values, including anti-racism and “diversity is our strength.” Anyone who disagrees with those values must be suppressed. EXACTLY like the globalists operate. So Civic Nationalism is just another form of Political Correctness.

A nation is either based on a proposition or a people. A nation based on a proposition cannot have free speech because any opposition to that proposition must be suppressed. We adults know that as soon as non-Whites get in sufficient numbers, they will impose the values that flow from their racial consciousness, regardless of how much effort you spend propagandizing them.

The United States Constitution states in the preamble the only purpose of America: to “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” This is clearly a nation based on a people – “ourselves and our posterity.”

The battle is far from over. We may be entering the toughest phase, where they give us everything we want BUT a homeland and we have to convince our comrades that that is not enough, that that is, in fact NOTHING.

H/T Whitaker Online


In New Orleans, Louisiana, several hundred protesters gathered to display their anger and rage at Donald Trump being democratically elected to the presidential office.

After shouting things like “No Trump, no KKK“, “F*ck Trump“, and “Die Whites Die“, they turned towards rioting.

Several buildings were damaged, including a bank which had its windows smashed.

Also, Lee Circle, a monument in New Orleans, was vandalized with graffiti saying “Die Whites Die“, “Black Power“, “Dismantle White Supremacy“, and “Black People are ungovernable” followed by the anarchy symbol.

For several decades, the American establishment has subjected the majority of its people to massive non-Western immigration, targeted certain areas for that immigration, and all the while funding White guilt propaganda to make people by assigning blame to Whites.

This vicious agenda is legally defined as White genocide, by the UN genocide conventions. They are guilty of taking part in White genocide! Let’s see how President Trump addresses these crimes.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


Anders Vendel, a famous anti-racist TV chef in Sweden, was “beaten up by three Muslim menbecause they thought he looked like “Mr. Trump.

Malmö police said “[Mr Vendel] was visiting a fast food restaurant and a stranger came up and started to hassle him.

Vendel says: “I am in the emergency room as of a couple of hours ago awaiting X-rays. I was beaten up by three Muslim men between the ages of 25-35. They thought I bore a resemblance to Mr. Trump.

Two of the men grabbed my arms from behind and the third one started punching me all over the face. I tried to defend myself with my legs.

After about 20 fists to my face, I fell down to the floor. All three then started kicking me as much as they could in my face and head. I now have a broken nose, bumps, a clogged eye, mouth, lips and jaw. Even a broken right thumb,

Before Sweden’s elite decided to start White genocide in Sweden, things like this did not happen.

After just 40 years of anti-White politics, Sweden has turned into hell on earth.

But times are changing, and people are finally starting to fight back.

H/T White GeNOcide Project

Over 202 years ago at Fort McHenry, Baltimore, a question was posed:

“O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?”  photo fortmchenry.jpg

Through the following two centuries at critical junctures the answer was always the same as that which resounded when Francis Scott Key awoke that morning to pen that stirring query. Yes, it yet waved.

On Election Day, November 8, 2016 the nation again faced a fierce battle. For days the lügenpresse threw every verbal, audio and video bomb that anti-Whites have in a well stocked arsenal of incendiaries at candidate Donald Trump who dared to assert a rank heresy that White people have the right to exist. The contest was fierce and many a foul lawless tactic was employed to demoralize Whites. The lines held.

It is morning now, and through the lies and slanders clouding the air, if you look inward into your heart you will see that with God’s blessing that the flag is still there.

Trump’s winning issue was White Identity. It was his weapon of victory. His atomic bomb. His B-45 fleet. It was what stormed the beaches for him.

This must be hammered home. He nodded a platitude this way; he winked at the Other that way; but, he always returned to the theme of the interests of the White working class. This path to victory cannot be overemphasized. It must be driven home to all ambitious politicians.

A battle, a glorious battle, has been won. Still the war is raging. Expect the foes of our race to redouble their efforts to Genocide the White race. Anti-Whites never rest. BUGSERS must be equally persistent. No backsliding. No resting on laurels. Load Mantras. Keep firing.

H/T Whitaker Online


Dr. Sascha Vongehr, a physicist and philosopher, says that he has been “an antifascist for three decades,” but admits that failure to address race and IQ is bringing about the death of the West.

I have not foreseen that the fall of the West would start with the race issuehe writes on Science20.com.

As a progressive mind, race is not on the radar when pondering the future, even although I knew the relevant science. I just did not attend to the connections that race keeps real despite of our denial.

Now, as race riots and race-flash-mob-violence sweeps the US, 138 thousand Germans escaped Germany in 2015” because of state-wide internet censorship, and imprisonment for those who criticize immigration.

They work just like the old witch hunts, modern mob violence that destroys careers and families without the victims being able to even point to specific perpetrators.

Whites and White males as well as Jews are targeted, which thus samples the sub-populations with the highest IQs.

He says “IQ decline is almost entirely” due to “the dangers of immigration“, and that “the current immigration will accelerate the decay further only in the next generation.

So what happens now? Vongehr says “it is unstoppable even if we were to stop immigration now,

Many Germans flee to Eastern Europe, countries such as Hungary, the only EU country democratic enough to ask its citizen whether they desire unlimited mass immigration

An American-Hungarian diplomat also said that in a few decades, Westerners would be fleeing to Eastern European countries, especially Hungary.

The Western establishment thought that they would get rid of Westerners, and everything would carry on as usual. And now people inside their own ranks are waking up to the truth that people like us have been spreading, despite risking our safety and freedom.

It’s White genocide, and hopefully one day the main perpe-TRAITORS against this crime will be taken to an international court, and tried for their anti-White agenda.

H/T White GeNOcide Project