Anti-Racism is just a code word for Anti-White

Tag Archive for: Anti-White


Swedish state TV is now airing an advert saying that the old Sweden must be destroyed to make way for a global state.

This anti-White propaganda features various people of various ethnicities each saying a line.

The advert says:

There is no path back. Sweden will never be as before. Europe is in transformation. And Sweden needs to be a safe haven for refugees.

Now we need to find path forwards, and a way for everyone to live together.

It is time to realize that new Swedes will take up space with culture, language, and customs. And it is time to see that as a positive force.

To be Swedish has to be more than skin color and place of birth. It has to be you, me, and everyone together.

It’s not only the new Swedes who need to be integrated. Everyone needs to be integrated, even native Swedes.

Have you ever noticed how these Globalists only ever target certain countries? Pretty weird, huh?

H/T White GeNOcide Project



Sun Tzu famously advised leaving a line of retreat to your enemies even when you have them surrounded. After all, you don’t want them fighting to the bitter end. You want them to see there is an alternative to death.

Hillary Clinton has provided us no such option. Her recent comments should not be a subject for laughter or mockery. They are a deeply ominous warning to every one of us.

Everyone’s having a good time snickering at her speech about half of Trump’s supporters being a “bucket of deplorables.” It’s so awkward and cringe-inducing it reminds you of Mitt Romney complaining about “trickle down racism,” another case where a politician tried to express moral indignation through a term obviously conjured up by a committee of political consultants. Clinton can’t even be outraged without seeming utterly fake.

Yet Hillary Clinton has a soul of a sort. We got a glimpse into the black pit residing within this infernal crone when the cameras caught her laughing about the torture and slaughter of Muammar Gaddafi, who was stupid enough to trust the word of the U.S. Government. The consequences of Clinton’s policy in Libya have been an utter catastrophe, unless it really was her goal to deliberately destabilize the Middle East and flood Europe with mass Third World immigration.

Where Hillary really showed her hand was in characterizing “some of those folks” as “irredeemable.” “Irredeemable” means there is nothing they – we – can do to be regarded as part of American society, to be citizens like everyone else with certain inherent rights. As Clinton put it, we are “not America.” We are simply an enemy to be destroyed.

At some level, we already know this. The National Press Club is willing to host anyone in the entire world, except White people who don’t hate themselves. To the American government and the corporations which control the Internet,we are on par with the Islamic State. Throughout the “free world,” patriots are arrested for what they say online or attacked in the streets by pro-System thugs. Stating the fact – the indisputable, undeniable reality that race is real and that people are not equal – is career ending, regardless of your prestige or accomplishments.

We are hated for who we are, for our immutable, unchangeable characteristics. We aren’t just the Alt Right, we are the only alternative to the entire System, the one group which can never be assimilated or accepted by them. Unless you consciously decide to work for your people’s destruction, you are an enemy, a kulak, an unperson. All Whites are racist, all non-white failings can be blamed on racism, andthere is no salvation in this new theocracy. That is the essence of what it is to be “irredeemable.”

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There has been a second shooting spree by a Black man this week – this time in Tennessee.

Lakeen Keon Scott opened fire at 2am on July 7th, in the town of Bristol, Tennessee. He killed two White women, one of them a mother, and injured several other White people.

Detectives from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation say that Scott “may have targeted people and officers” because they were White.

This shooting-spree came just a few hours after Micah Johnson, another Black man, opened fire on White police officers in Dallas, Texas.

Police said Johnson also “wanted to kill whites.

Just like Micah Johnson, Scott had an assault rifle, a handgun, and a large amount of ammo. The timing suggests the two cases may be related.

When police arrived at the scene, Scott opened fire on them, and they returned fire. He is still alive, but is in hospital.

The media has an anti-White agenda, and whenever a Black man is shot by police they focus on it and make it headline news. The statistics show that White people are actually more likely to be shot by police than other races.

You see, the mainstream media wants us to believe that Whites are oppressors, and the way to stop this “oppression” is by becoming a “melting pot” where Whites die out.

White people now make less than 70% of Americans, compared to 90% for most of the early 20th century. This “mixing out” of White people has been accomplished through massive non-Western immigration.

This is White genocide because this agenda results in no more Whites. Genocide does not have to be violent, it’s simply about getting rid of a group – that is the legal definition.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


Al Qaeda has written a guide instructing Muslim Jihadis to only attack areas where there are lots of straight White people.

The guide, “Inspire guide: Orlando operation” says Jihadis should carry out more attacks, but should “avoid targeting places and crowds where minorities are generally found in America.”

It tells them to only attack “areas where the Anglo-Saxon community is generally concentrated,

This class of the American community is the majority and it is the one that is in the American leadership.

The guide says: “We standby and support all Muslims who attack America in their homeland regardless of their affiliation to any group or loyalty

Damned White privilege again!

Actually, Al Qaeda is wrong on this. The US government cares the least about White Americans.

The various US governments throughout the years have continued the 1965 immigration policy which puts a cap on European immigration, but allows mass non-Western immigration.

The goal of this policy is to get rid of the White majority. They call it “diversity”, but it’s actuallyWhite genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


The Guardian has released a video saying Donald Trump will be elected President due to the “dying White majority“, and that “true political revolution” will not come until “the White supremacist nation becomes mostly non-White.

Trump has to be the next president. American history dictates it.” said Steven Thrasher, a Guardian journalist.

If you understand American history, then you’ll understand why I think Donald Trump will the 45th president of the United States.

Every bold advancement of freedom in America is always met with an equally bold racist backlash.

So, when we voted against the odds to elect the first Black president 8 years ago; when we had a clear symbol that the country is literally becoming more Black.

Why shouldn’t we have expected his successor to be the meanest, Whitest, most vile bigot possible?

A President Trump will continue our American tradition of leaders who expand the empire through the suffering of people of color.

I’m waiting for the year 2043, when the White supremacist nation becomes mostly non-White. That’s when true politican revolution might be possible.

But ’till then in its final 27 years, some of the dying White majority are so desperate to hold on to their dwindling power, it will come as no surprise when the follow history’s pattern and elect a reactionary, racist, sexist, man.

America is not becoming minority White by accident. These anti-Whites have been pushing for their White genocide agenda since at least the 1960’s when laws opened America up to mass non-Western immigration, while at the same time restricting immigration from White countries.

Their goal is to destroy the White majority. That may sound quite strange because most of those who want that are themselves White.

They use words like “diversity” and “inclusive”, but what they really mean is “get rid of all the White areas”.

Detroit is never “too Black”. California is never “too Hispanic”. But if there’s a White area, the “diversity” brigade start screaming about how it’s disgustingly “too White”.

They are simply anti-White, and their agenda is simply White genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


The US Secretary of State, John Kerry told a room full of Northeastern University graduate students that an open borders policy was not responsible for 9/11, and they should accept the destruction of the country’s borders.

Many of you were in elementary school when you learned the toughest lesson of all on 9/11,he said.

There are no walls big enough to stop people from anywhere, tens of thousands of miles away, who are determined to take their own lives while they target others.

So I think that everything that we’ve lived and learn tells us that we will never come out on top if we accept advice from sound-bite salesmen and carnival barkers who pretend the most powerful country on Earth can remain great by looking inward,

And hiding behind walls at a time that technology has made that impossible to do and unwise to even attempt.” (*Ahem* In other news, India has installed a laser border fence.)

For some people, that is all they need simply to climb under the sheets, close their eyes and push the world away,

And shockingly, we even see this attitude from some [Donald Trump] who think they ought to be entrusted with the job of managing international affairs.

The future demands from us something more than a nostalgia for some rose-tinted version of the past that did not really exist in any case,

You’re about to graduate into a complex and borderless world.

We hear all these politicians talking about this “open borders” mumbo-jumbo, but you’ll never hear them calling for open borders in Africa, Asia, Central America, the Middle East.

All this “open borders” stuff is only talked about for majority White countries. You see, all those Black, and Brown immigrants are here to “diversify” all your horrible White neighborhoods and enrich them!

Gee, anyone would think that “diversity” actually means “not White”. Well that’s because it is – it’s a more cryptic and hidden way of calling for the destruction of White majorities (legally defined as White genocide.)

H/T White GeNOcide Project