Anti-Racism is just a code word for Anti-White

Tag Archive for: Anti-White





















Notice how this professor has only been "denounced".  

Anti-Whites merely get denounced calling for White Genocide.

Had the professor called for the Genocide of any other race he would be fired and put on trial.

H/T Breitbart

H/T Daily Stormer

Dr. Adam Kotsko, of professor at Shimer College, Chicago, says that all White men, women, and children must commit a mass suicide” “whether or not your ancestors were responsible for the crimes of the past.

Dr. Cuck, who is himself White, says “We must commit mass suicide.

What is his reason for this self-hating, anti-White rant?

Whether or not your individual ancestors owned slaves, you as a White person have benefited from slavery and are complicit in it. Sorry.” he posted on Twitter.

I know it sucks having a racial identity that exists solely to legitimate the subordination and exploitation of other races. #whiteness

Dr. Cuck seems to be forgetting that all races have had slaves and have been enslaved. Whites have not done anything uniquely evil.

The reason why he takes aim at White people is because he is anti-White. His self-hating anti-White views are not justified in history or philosophy — it is just pure self-hate and it is SICK!

To hate yourself is mentally ill. It is SICK!

If Dr. Cuck ever grows a brain and checks himself into a loony-bin, he’ll find that the insane asylum has been taken over by the patients who will only reinforce his sickness.

This White self-hated is very prevalent in social “science” as well as other do-nothing, know-it-all occupations. These people will never get better. All we can do is wake people up to their insanity.

H/T White GeNOcide Project

“Racism”, just like the term “Political correctness”, originated from the old Soviet Union. You might be interested to know that the term “racism” was actually coined by Soviet leader, Leon Trotsky.

The thing about this word “racism” is that it no one can really define it.

To some people it means saying the “wrong thing”. To other people it means treating people differently . . .

And then there’s the progressive little snowflakes, who think “racism” means that there are “too many” White people around.

Despite all the lovely names that these precious little angels call themselves, what the “diversity” proponents actually are, is: ANTI-WHITE.

If someone complains that there are “too many” Black people they are called “racist”.

If someone complains about there being “too many” Asian people, then they too are called “racist”.

But when it comes to White people, it is no longer “racist”. In fact, if you don’t like there being “too many” Whites, you are not called a “racist”, you are an “anti-racist”.

How in the hell is this a sane point of view?

If you don’t like an area, you move out of it, right? But nooooo! These anti-White “diversity” guys just won’t move. They have made it their mission to chase down all the White areas and force “diversity” on them.

All across the Western world, you’ve got highly paid “diversity experts” who basically get paid to sit in an office all day and looking for all the areas which have “too many” White folks in.

These “experts” believe that White places are “racist” — BAD! — and getting rid of White places is “anti-racist” — GOOD!

God damn it, why can’t they just leave people alone??? We don’t need “experts” deciding for us how we live our lives!

They’re doing it because it’s a religion. The “hate White people” religion is really popular among politicians, bureaucrats, and the media at the moment.

They literally believe that White people are some kind of evil race of mini-Hitlers, and that’s why we must be gotten rid of. But they just don’t see it do they? THEY are the ones who are committing a genocide against Whites.

This is White genocide because they are trying to get rid of us. And “anti-racism” is just a codeword for anti-White.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


We’re winning the globalism vs. nationalism fight. The next fight is civic nationalism vs. racial nationalism. If we don’t win that, we don’t win anything.

Our enemies are doing everything they can to turn this wave of dislike of Political Correctness and Globalism into something “anti-racist” (only in White countries, of course). Look at Breitbart or Infowars.

“America for Americans!” Well, duh, that’s what we’ve been saying forever. The trouble is, they say anyone can be an American. And now America is at least 40% non-white.

They say a nation is it’s values. Or they say that there is something magical in the dirt that makes everyone who steps on it an “American.” We say a nation is its people and that values are an expression of race.

They say anyone of any race just needs to be taught and incentivized to hold the correct values, including anti-racism and “diversity is our strength.” Anyone who disagrees with those values must be suppressed. EXACTLY like the globalists operate. So Civic Nationalism is just another form of Political Correctness.

A nation is either based on a proposition or a people. A nation based on a proposition cannot have free speech because any opposition to that proposition must be suppressed. We adults know that as soon as non-Whites get in sufficient numbers, they will impose the values that flow from their racial consciousness, regardless of how much effort you spend propagandizing them.

The United States Constitution states in the preamble the only purpose of America: to “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” This is clearly a nation based on a people – “ourselves and our posterity.”

The battle is far from over. We may be entering the toughest phase, where they give us everything we want BUT a homeland and we have to convince our comrades that that is not enough, that that is, in fact NOTHING.

H/T Whitaker Online
