
Peter Sutherland, the UN’s special representative on international migration, is abusing his position in the United Nations to label anyone who disagrees with him as “xenophobic“.

He said that trying to stop illegal immigrants from entering Britain was “a xenophobic response to the issue of free movement…

In my opinion, the debate in the UK is grossly excessive in terms of Calais. We are talking here about a number of people – a relatively small number in the context of what other countries are having to do – who are in terrible conditions and have to be dealt with by France and/or Britain.

The first thing we have to do collectively is to deal with their conditions. Instead of talking about sending Gurkhas or building fences, we should be thinking of the humanitarian crisis.

Sutherland talks about helping the illegal immigrants, but this is just crude propaganda meant to tug at people’s heart-strings.

Some of you may be thinking, “Oh but, maybe he really means what he says”, well read on, and you’ll see his true anti-White agenda.

Earlier this year, he wrote an article explaining his position:

The countries of the EU have two options: They can either make a vain attempt to revert to outdated, mono-ethnic models of statehood, or they can accept diversity with the realization that their national cultures will not only survive, but flourish.

And back in 2012, he told the BBC that the Europe Union should “be doing its best to undermine” Europe’s “homogeneity and difference from others.

The only reason why Europe is having this “diversity” agenda forced on it, is because it’s full of White people. The same thing happened to America, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand for exactly the same reasons.

Our elite are anti-White and support White genocide – they want to turn us into the minority everywhere on the planet. If this was happening to any other group, it would be correctly defined as genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project

Mention the #Cuckservative meme to a Republican and their heads begin to spin and the back peddling begins. It is quite strange that they seem to worry about being pro-White when the majority of their constituents that vote them into power are White. They are distancing themselves further from the people the supposedly represent through their cuckoldry. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CKtUwNLUAAAqVnJ.pngThe Cuckservative Republicans have turned their backs on true conservatives and lack any testicular fortitude to stand up and come out of their slumber of political correctness and equality that is ruining Western society through forced immigration and forced assimilation. Mike Enoch from The Daily Shoah sums it up about where the Cuckservatives have lost and why they will continue to be whiny shills that cater to everything except true conservatism.

From the Daily Caller – Comments – by Mike Enoch

Look, you guys have lost, even on the issues important to you as Christians because of your cuckoldry on the race issue. You’re not doing anything to preserve the white majority, but you’re not winning on your issues either. Gay marriage is a done deal. Abortion is here to stay, particularly as more broken nonwhite families enter the social services system and are encouraged by bureaucrats to abort. You lost, you lost, you lost.

With a white majority these issues were winnable, because whites vote conservative in the majority. But by being cowards on the issue of immigration and bending over for the left’s quite open plan of demographic replacement of whites in order to secure a permanent nonwhite left wing majority you lost. In 8 years it may be demographically impossible for the GOP to win a national election ever again. Even your precious Christian issues are done. Even your cucking for Israel is under threat. Do you think a nonwhite majority in the US is going to be keen to support your favorite ethnostate? They side with the Palestinians!

You lost everything, and all because you were afraid a group of communists, atheists and homosexuals would call you racist.

Many of the Cuckservatives fail to see the big picture. They have been molded into a mass of quivering Jello that will not take a stance against the anti-White narrative. The days of the John McCains, Mike Huckabees, Lindsey Grahams, etc. are numbered in the political sphere as Whites are beginning to take notice of the cuckoldry by the Republicans. The Cuck’s con has blinded the majority of Whites by using blinders of White guilt, forced immigration, White self hatred and forced assimilation to achieve the narrative to serve both sides of the isle. Whites are waking up to the perversions of the Cuckservative con artist.

So what is this con and how are we all involved? The #Cuckservative meme is just a part of the con that White Rabbit Radio has explained many times on his radio shows. The #Cuckservative meme is a byproduct of the second part of the con. Tim Murdock, from Horus the Avenger’s Follow the White Rabbit, explains it perfectly.

Throughout the years Whites have all been force fed a doctrine of political correctness, multiculturalism and a blended society by global elitists. Many end up having White guilt about what these elitist historians have told us through modern media and social outlets. People embrace the political correctness and self hatred for things they had no involvement in. Let’s look at the three stages of the con and how it effects the people negatively involved.

1. Denial of the con. It is human nature to deny that a person been lied to. This demoralization will cause the person or persons to constantly deny that anything has happened. Often, they deny until there is nothing left. The world around them is tumbling down.

2. Acceptance of the con. The realization that a person or persons been taken advantage of. Generally the person will laugh at the misfortune that it has caused them. For instance, in the last few years, more people are starting to make fun of political correctness and the thought of immigration is a good thing for all people. These people were fed the ideals of a utopian society where equality and integration are wonderful. That elephant in the room is starting to be acknowledged. Naturally, the person will laugh at the con as it is the best human emotion possible to make the person feel better and to accept the misfortune of being misled. Generally the person or persons accept it and move on.

3. Anger at the con artist. After the laughter and acceptance, anger ensues due to the realization that the person has been taken advantage of and LIED to. The person will seek to get what they lost back and only realize it is too late. What they thought was a good idea, was nothing close. At this point, they are seething with anger and question why did this even happen.

A great example of a con that Whites across the globe have experienced is that of multiculturalism and integration. What we were taught in school and throughout politically correct society has made things worse. We have been taken advantage of in the name of this unattainable utopia and have gone smiling to the gallows. All thanks to our Cuckservative leaders. Race is real and White Genocide is happening. Political correctness is a code word for Anti-White. The #Cuckservative meme is knocking the Republicans and their blind sheep against the ropes. It looks as though we are experiencing the last stage of the con as Whites are waking up to the false representation by the Cuckservatives which they once held dear.

H/T MeinVolk





Portraits and busts of all the “white male professorshave been removed from the part of Stockholm University, Sweden, which is dedicated to the study of Law.

Not only have they be removed, but they have also been replaced by artwork which apparently promotes “diversity”.

One of these is a drawing of a moose head colored with a rainbow.

Dean of Stockholm University, Jonas Ebbesson, a White male, said that while “several of them [White Male Professors] have had great importance for proper scientific research” it is “nice that it is now gone from the faculty room.

During Ebbesson‘s time as dean, he has also launched a “Diversity Project” which aims to reduced the percentage of White Swedish law students in the university.

He said “the Faculty business is characterized by diversity, openness and tolerance.

Hmm, so excluding White people = “Diversity, openness, and tolerance”? Yeah, in an anti-White, White genocide supporting state it does.

Back in the real world, “Diversity, openness, and tolerance” = White genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project

Anti-White Proposition: There can be NO Portraits or Busts of White Male Professors!




























Blair France moved into the Calgary Housing Company complex with her husband and two children, but several months later their children became victim to anti-White racial abuse and physical violence, by the children of African tenants.

Mrs France thought she would solve this problem by hosting an anti-bullying barbeque for all the tenants, but things just got worse.

A few days after the barbeque, a public housing supervisor said things were getting out of hand, and the African kids were targeting another White family.

When she complained to the Calgary Housing Company, they sent a letter to the families of the bullies, warning them that they would be evicted if they don’t follow the rules.

Mrs France said after that, the bullying intensified, and the bullies threatened to kill her children.

They are so scared, they don’t want to go to school or even outside,” she wrote. “We just need to move.

Fortunately, they were relocated the next day.

Despite writing to the mayor of Calgary and the public-housing officials, as well as the story being picked up by the media, no one actually did anything to stop the bullying, except threatening the bullies with eviction, which clearly had failed.

Anti-Whites claim that because White people are the majority, we cannot be the victims, so therefore do not need laws which defend us from attacks such as these.

If this was the other way round, and White children attacked and threatened to kill a Black family, we all know there would be severe consequences for the White parents.

A US study shows us White children are the most likely group to be bullied, especially girls.

White children are growing up in schools where they are now the minority, and this is leading to a lot of increased bullying. This sometimes ends badly, like the 9 year-old boy in Britain, who was bullied by Muslim children, and hanged himself.

But I guess White children don’t really seem to matter as much to the anti-Whites in power? Maybe that’s the reason why these anti-Whites campaign for White genocide without any guilty conscience what-so-ever?

H/T White GeNOcide Project



Earlier today a billboard appeared in South Bellefonte, AR reading ‘“Diversity” is a code word for #WhiteGenocide.’

This is a quotation from Bob Whitaker, whose heretical statements on establishment racial policy have gone viral on the internet and are now being used all over Europe.

Anti-white authorities both here and abroad have been demanding the suppression of these statements.

No reason for this suppression has been given other than the signs and statements are heresy.

In an Op-Ed published by the New York Times on June 22nd, leaders of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) demanded that these signs be remove.

Other Whitaker “mantra” signs have been removed because of such demands.

“They’re just a bunch of shirt-tail Hitlers,” says Whitaker, 74, from his home in South Carolina, “Just like Adolf, all they say is that I am daring to disagree with the Party Line. They never answer anything I say, they just demand that heresy be banned.”

SPLC accused Whitaker of having inspired the Charleston church shooting on June 17th. There is no evidence whatsoever of any truth in this charge.

“Just like their Uncle Adolf,” says Whitaker, “They accuse all opponents of criminal acts with no evidence.”

H/T Fight White Genocide