An anonymous employee from the Austrian Defense Office, which is operated by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Defense, says that some groups in the USA are paying smugglers to get more African and Middle Eastern immigrants into Europe.
“Traffickers demand exorbitant sums to bring refugees to Europe illegally. The conditions are often very poor, but still a transport does currently cost 7000-14000 Euro…” the Austrian Defense Office employee told
“There are insights that organizations from the US have created a co-financing model and contribute substantial amounts to trafficker’s costs.”
“Not every refugee from North Africa has 11,000 euros in cash. Nobody asks where the money comes from.”
The employee said that there was a “strict news blackout” on how the African and Middle Eastern immigrants were able to pay the traffickers fees.
If this is true, then it means various anti-White groups have resorted to paying for non-White illegal immigrants, instead of legal ones, all so they can make White Europeans a vanishing minority.
While these anti-Whites claim to be building “diverse” societies, it seems highly suspicious that ONLY White countries are targeted to become “diverse”.
The point that we are putting out is that a targeting of a group (in this case White people) is genocide. Only White countries, cities, and towns are not “diverse” enough, and the “final solution” is to make all of them minority White.
Deliberately trying to turn us into a minority is as much White genocide as shooting us or putting us into camps.
Recently some FWG activists participated in a rally defending confederate monuments at Stone Mountain, Georgia. The Wall Street Journal Covered the Event.
Hundreds of people gathered for the event, flew their confederate flags and danced to the tune of “Dixie”, but among those confederate flags was a banner which read “Diversity” = White Genocide.
Today it is becoming clear that anything white is deemed as “racist” and this anti-white establishment wants to remove it all in the name of political correctness.
Congratulations to these activists for getting out there and actively opposing this anti-white system and it’s program of White Genocide.
In the last decade, colleges were punishing students who didn’t completely ignore race. These days, they are punishing students who do ignore race.
In present-day colleges, anti-Whites are now saying race DOES exist, and you are an evilracistnazikkkfacist if you refuse to acknowledge someone as a “racial/cultural being“.
According to anti-Whites from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), the following sentences are now “microaggressions“:
“When I look at you, I don’t see color.“, “There is only one race: the human race.“, and “I don’t believe in race.”
UCLA says that statements like these are wrong because they “indicate that a White person does not want to or need to acknowledge race“, and they are “denying the individual as a racial/cultural being.”
Many White-friendly activists are stuck in the false belief that all hope is lost, but this is far from the truth: the anti-Whites had to change their argument because they had lost the argument – and we won.
After the years of “White privilege” training and the “diversity” education (which teaches that White areas are bad and must be made non-White), there are huge gaping holes in the argument that anti-Whites don’t see race.
Basically, they were arguing that race doesn’t exist, but White people are unconditionally “racist” because we were born White, therefore, we need laws which discriminate against Whites.
Their contradictions have become so blatant that they have been forced to change their argument. Winning arguments is good, but, if we want to fight back at these anti-Whites, we must make our own arguments.
For example:
Why is it that only White areas must be ready for “diversity”?
Why is it that only White countries must have open borders?
It’s because anti-Whites are pushing for White genocide, which is intended to turn us into the minority in our own countries. If they really were “anti-racists”, they would demand this agenda for non-White countries as well.
The German government is changing it’s rules on refugees in order to make lebensraum for African and Arab immigrants.
The government now says it will ban the re-entry permits of 94,000 immigrants who mostly come from the Balkans part of Europe, seeking refugee status in Germany.
“Most of the cases relate to asylum seekers from the Balkans,” said Manfred Schmidt, the head of the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).
“We send a tangible signal to the people in the [Balkan] countries of origin: If you’re going the way of the asylum procedure, you will most likely not have a chance for a second time to come to our country legally”
The German government is also making adverts to discourage immigration from the Balkans, which will be shown in Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia, Serbia and Montenegro.
BAMF predicts that there are around 450,000 “refugees” seeking permanent citizenship in the country, and Germany is making room for them.
There are plenty of safe countries in Africa and the Middle East where these “refugees” could move to. The “refugees” know this, and our governments know this.
However, the reason why all these “refugees” are flooding into Europe (and America, Australia, and Canada) is because they want to live in a rich country.
Our governments are perfectly happen to let these immigrants in because they also have an agenda, and that agenda is: White Genocide.
These anti-Whites now envision a world without White countries, cities, or neighborhoods. In order for them to achieve this White genocide, they non-White immigrants, and laws which encourage those immigrants into White suburbs (rather than just dumping them all in the cities).
On August 4, hundreds of Latvians and people from other Baltic countries joined together to protest the attempts by anti-Whites to kick start White genocide in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.
“Stop Genocide Against Latvians” read one protestor’s sign, and another sign called to “Stop Genocide Against White Nations”
The protests had around 1,500 people and were held in the Latvian capital of Riga outside the Cabinet of Ministers Building.
One protester told media company, Ukraine Today: “I came with an aim to exclude the influx of refugees which endangers Latvia’s security and which could continue as an avalanche-like process, as has already happened in other countries, in particular in Western Europe.”
Despite 79% of Latvians saying they are against non-European immigration in a recent poll, the Latvian government has pledged to move in 250 illegal immigrants into the country.
Eastern Europe and Baltic Europe has seen just how bad all this “Multiculturalism” and “Diversity” has been for Western Europe. You can walk some cities in Western Europe and question if you are actually in Europe at all.
It will take a lot of work, but the best thing White-friendly activists can do in Eastern Europe, is to inform the public that “Multiculturalism”, “Diversity” and all those other kinds of words are just codewords for White genocide.
The only reason why White countries have these ideologies forced on them is simply because they’re White. That’s all it is. Anti-Whites no longer want there to be any White countries, any White cities, or any White neighborhoods.
19 year-old Zachary Hammond was on a date with his girlfriend in South Carolina when he was shot dead by a police officer.
He was stopped for having 10 grams of marijuana, but was mysteriously shot in the back twice at point blank range by the arresting officer.
The police had two reports of this shooting; the first report, which was publicly released, never mentioned that Hammond was shot to death or that there was any shooting at all. The second report, which does detail the shooting, was never made publicly available.
The Washington Post said that “Hammond’s death has prompted numerous questions, few answers — and almost no national outrage.”
Eric Bland, an attorney representing Hammond’s family said that this shooting is being hushed up because the victim is White.
“It’s sad, but I think the reason is, unfortunately, the media and our government officials have treated the death of an unarmed white teenager differently than they would have if this were a death of an unarmed black teen,” Bland told the Washington Post. “The hypocrisy that has been shown toward this is really disconcerting.”
“The issue should never be what is the color of the victim. The issue should be: Why was an unarmed teen gunned down in a situation where deadly force was not even justified?”
“All people need to be outraged by this. All people need to be asking the hard questions.”
Only 25% of the victims of police shootings have been Black, but of the past few years, the media has completely ignored shootings of White people, to voice an anti-White narrative which casts White people as the ultimate evil.
We are living under an anti-White system where White people’s lives don’t matter as much as other people’s lives.
Anti-Whites have put this system in place by screaming words at people who disagree with them, and this has allowed them to proceed with a program of White genocide, where White neighborhoods are targeted and chased down for “diversity”.