
Over half a million illegal immigrants who have had their asylum claims rejected cannot be deported due to recent budget cuts. The cuts mean immigration courts cannot afford to process asylum appeals lodged by illegal immigrants.

In addition to the budget cuts, pro-immigration lobbies are working with illegal immigrants to drag out their Asylum claims in court, which is clogging up the courts and costing more money.

Many of the 500,000 failed asylum seekers may end up in Britain forever. Some with weak arguments are taking advantage of the clogged up courts to quickly push their case through, while others have children with UK citizens, entitling them to stay in the country forever.

The senior whistleblower who contacted the said:

There appears to be a farcical internal dispute going on between the Home Office who refuse the applications to stay in the UK, and the Ministry of Justice who are refusing to fund the court costs of the subsequent appeals.

Both departments are more interested in protecting their budgets than administering justice.

Immigration judges sit idle whilst the backlog of appeals in the system grows and appeals today are being listed for July 2016. The Government’s response has bizarrely been to close Immigration Appeal courts.

While failed applicants remain in the UK they continue to accumulate Human Rights to remain. By the time they come to court their ‘right to a family life’ has been established and their appeal is granted.

The Government are ‘saving’ money by closing courts and spending far more than the amount saved on supporting failed asylum seekers and their families.

The UK government need to get their priorities in order! In Denmark, a government study found that “non-Western” immigration was a severe drain on the economy – this is especially the case for the illegal immigrants in Britain, as they cannot legally work, and therefore cannot pay taxes.

I don’t buy into this belief that it was simply an embarrassing mistake. When governments want to do something against their people’s will, they don’t make new laws – they simply just don’t enforce the current laws.

Take for example the illegal immigration tsunami in Europe. Hungary can stop them just fine, but all the other EU countries combined cannot? With all their high-tech gadgets, highly trained professionals, etc?

Getting as many immigrants as possible into Europe, all across Europe is an agenda that certain influential groups are pushing.

For the sake of simplicity, we just call them anti-White – because they are just pushing for White genocide.

H/T White Genocide Project

This Week In #WhiteGenocide - 3
Return of the Anti-White Jedi

Horus - @eurorabbit
Truck Roy - StormFront Radio on
Asgardian - @warowhites
Fash Gordon - @RatLinesMemes

MeinVolk - @MeinVolk

1:04 Horus, Soundcloud and the direction of This Week In #WhiteGenocide

3.40 The controversy of #BoycottStarWars VII

6:02 Truck Roy from StormFront Radio on

13:34 Scamming Whites, Seeding Memes and the Con

26:04 Why it works. Samizdat

36:34 The Enduring Message and the Elite Hedge Bets

41:04 Intermission (MeinVolk's heretofore unknown musical talent)

43:44 Free for All
More Star Wars Speculation
Is Asgardian TK1488?
The Radical Change of White SciFi

61:04 Back to the Basics of White Retro Culture

1:14:31 - Refugees on the Move
Women and Whats to Come in the Pro White Movement
Breakdown of the Narrative
Clash of Civilization

This is probably the craziest thing I’ve ever seen. It can’t go on forever – Europe is going to snap some day and all hell will break lose.

When an army of illegal immigrants marches through your streets, with the support of your own government, what needs to be said? It’s so in your face that it’s jaw dropping.

These anti-Whites are guilty of White genocide and they know it. We’ve got mountains of evidence publicly available, and all they can do is deny that what they’re doing fits the definition of genocide.

But if they’re only targeting White people and White places with mass immigration and “diversity”, it’s obviously an engineered demographics change which they hope will get rid of us – also known as genocide.

H/T White Genocide Project


Over the past decade, there has been a mass exodus of White South Africans, who are concerned for their safety and future.

Many anti-White laws have been put in place such a land grabs on White owned farms, and affirmative action laws which keeps a large portion of Whites in poverty.

In addition to this, several high-ranking politicians have been caught singing “shoot the boer”, a song which describes killing White people. Some see this song as a call to action, and now White farmers have a higher rate of being murdered than any other group, despite White people being less than 10% of the population.

Nakedi Mathews Phosa, a Black South African politician has called on the government to end anti-White laws and to welcome White expatriates back to the country to grow the rock-bottom economy.

This economy can only grow at expected levels once we acknowledge that everybody has an equal role and responsibility in making it successful‚Phosa said at a meeting titled “Whiteness – Whites‚ Afrikaans‚ Afrikaners.

Let’s open the doors and welcome those skilled and experienced Afrikaners and other whites that abandoned their beloved country in search of security‚ stability and acknowledge their skills in our economy. Let’s make it easy for them to return and to stay‚

A successful and cohesive nation engages in practices where everybody is treated equally‚ without favour. They apply the law in all aspects of social life consistently and without prejudice. Their leaders leads from the front‚ engaging in constructive debate taking responsibility for nation building and condemn corrupt activities‚” he said.

I call on all white Afrikaners to engage in forming an inclusive and cohesive cultural bond between all Afrikaans speaking South Africans as the foundation for inclusiveness and nation building without elitism and exclusion of other cultural and population groups.

It’s a similar situation in Zimbabwe. The country used to be known as the “breadbasket of Africa”, but after years of “land redistribution” policies, Whites farmers had their land forcefully confiscated and now Zimbabwe relies on international aid to feed its people.

The Zimbabwean government has made it clear that they will never allow Whites to own land again, but recently they have had to bite their tongues and pay the White farmers to teach the new Black farmers, despite President Robert Mugabe saying Whites should “all go back to England“.

If White Africans decide to go to Europe, America, Canada, or Australia, what they will see is another form of White Genocide taking place. One that is not carried out through murder and violence, but through forced mass immigration and “diversity” policies, which are intended to turn those countries minority White.

H/T White Genocide Project

White Supremacists or White Separatists? Which one is it RawStory?

RawStory recently published an article titled: “White supremacist conference proposes whites-only states: We’ll ‘give the blacks Manhattan’

RawStory tries to backup their use of the “White supremacist” lie by saying that the South Poverty Law Center has “identified” it as a “White supremacist” group.

As yes, the SPLC, the “Hate Watch” cash-cow that got officially dumped by the FBI for “producing inaccurate and biased data…

When I hear the mass media saying “White supremacist”, I just have to roll my eyes.

There is a very basic difference between a “supremacist” and a “separatist”. Supremacists want to rule over others because they believe their views are superior, and separatists want to be left alone because they want to separate.

The mass media love to say “supremacist” because it makes people think “Oh no, the evil White supremacists are going to come to my neighborhood and stomp on my face!

If they used “separatist” – the correct word in that context – it would be a silly article: “Oh no, these evil White separatists want to be left alone! How dare they?!?

Are they letting kids write their articles these days, or do they really not know the difference?

H/T White Genocide Project


Speaking at a conference in Budapest, the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, warned that Europe cannot build its future on immigrants, and that EU governments should encourage families to have more children.

Europe cannot build its future on immigration instead of familieshe said at the conference.

He said governments should motivate European families to have more children, warning that “the survival of our civilization and our culture is at stake.

In another recent speech in Budapest, Mr Orban said “well organised money movers” such as billionaire George Soros were responsible for Europe’s current illegal immigration tsunami.

Europe has been betrayed, if we don’t stand up for it, the continent will no longer be for those citizens living here.

Who in Europe voted to allow people to arrive illegally in their millions and then be distributed?” he asked in a radio interview.

What is happening today has no democratic basis…

The people of Europe are beginning to wake up, they have realized that immigration is a cultural question, our identity is at stake.

In September, Zsolt Bayer, another important Hungarian politician, gave a similar warning, saying that an “artificial, manufactured mass migration” was being used to destroy Europe, and anyone who disagrees “automatically becomes a Nazi“.

Is what they’re saying true? Well, let’s look at what the other side is saying.

Earlier this year, François Crépeau, a United Nations official, said “I don’t see any other solution for Europe, they need to open the borders.

And just last month, William Lacy Swing, the head of the International Organization for Migration, said governments of “Northern” societies should “educate” its people for the tsunami of illegal immigrants from the “largely unemployed global south“.

Leaders who are not preparing their people for this, through public education, public information, and awareness-raising campaigns, just may not be doing their job” said Swing.

Germany is one example of how bad their agenda failed. Their government flung open their borders to anyone who claimed to be Syrian, and moaned when this didn’t work out as expected.

Now German intelligence agencies, politicians, and media are predicting “ethnic conflicts” and civil war may be part of the country’s future.

The real question is, why is the happening? Why is it so important to get immigrants into Europe? (and let’s not forget about America, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.)

It’s not that those in charge want immigrants, they want a very specific kind of immigrant – non-White immigrants – and they want them to pour into majority White countries . . . all in the name of “diversity”!

The anti-Whites are deliberately trying to engineer the demographics through immigration to get this “diversity” they dream of, but they are only doing it in White countries.

This targeting of a group is very clearly defined in certain international laws, specifically, the UN genocide conventions.

White Genocide” is a very scary term if you are hearing it for the first time, but you can read the genocide conventions for yourself. If you do, I think you will agree that mass non-White immigration, “multiculturalism” and “diversity” are part of the White Genocide agenda.

H/T White Genocide Project