
The next time you’re visiting New York City, you may be alarmed to find street signs which say some pretty anti-White things.

One sign has a picture of a camera and reads “WHITE GUILT IS COMPLACENCY“.

Another sign reads “IS YOUR GUILT ENOUGH?” and has a picture of a Black hand and a White hand washing.

Another sign shows a hand and reads “YOUR PRIVILEGE DOESN’T NEED CONSENT

Despite looking like official signs, they were not actually put up by the New York City government. The signs were put up by anonymous individuals in association with a group called Ghana ThinkTank.

The signs were developed in May, allegedly as part of an “art” project, and as of this month they are being put up around the city by anonymous anti-White activists.

Christopher Robbins, a Ghana ThinkTank organizer and associate professor, said the signs are designed to trick people into believing they’re real, because “a street sign signifies the official voice of the system around you.

Robbins said politically-charged street signs should “blend in enough to initially be absorbed as something official and sanctioned” and that “once the content has sunk in, a rupture happens.

He said that the point of the signs was that “our own action and inaction is part of the cumulative process that helps extend these unfair systems.

These “the system is unfair” people are a joke – and a bad one at that. They say White people have an unfair advantage over the system because we are still the majority (much to their frustration). And they argue that the final solution is to get rid of the White majority.

But why is this argument only ever applied to White places? Ever heard any so-called “anti-racist” groups complain that Africa is “too Black” or that the Middle East is “too Brown”? I’ve never, ever heard them say that, have you?

To these “anti-racist” groups, it’s always about White people. They keep targeting White people like were are the ultimate evil on the planet.

But to me, at least, their actions speak louder than their words: anti-racist just means anti-White.

H/T White Genocide Project


The #BoycottStarWarsVII hashtag on Twitter has received a massive amount of attention from mainstream media, from the BBC, to CNN, the Guardian, USAToday, and many others.

A lot of the major voices on the hashtag are also talking about or hashtaging #WhiteGenocide. Some people don’t understand why they call it genocide.

“Genocide” is not some bad word that we say to scare people – it is the truth because what’s being done to White people on a global scale is classified as genocide under the United Nations Genocide Conventions.

And while the new Star Wars movie does not technically breach any of the genocide conventions, what it does do is participate in a much larger anti-White agenda which does breach the conventions.

Let me explain. When certain people talk about a lack of “diversity” they mean that an area is “too White”. When they call for “diversity” they are calling for an area to move in non-White people until White people are no longer the majority . . . but no one calls for “diversity” in any non-White area.

Now that is what we mean when we say White genocide.

Deliberately trying to change the demographics of a country, state, city, or town is genocide. It doesn’t matter if it’s done with non-violent methods – genocide doesn’t have to be violent to be genocide.

The director of the new Star Wars movie, J.J. Abrams, has admitted that he supports this “diversity” agenda, on film at least.


The new Star Wars movie is not causing White genocide, but it certainly is jumping on the White Genocide band wagon.

H/T White Genocide Project


The trailer to the upcoming movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens, has upset “thousands upon thousands” of people on Twitter who are saying it is anti-White and is promoting White genocide.

The #BoycottStarWarsVII hashtag has now passed one hundred thousand tweets on Twitter, and it is currently the top trending Twitter hashtag in the United States.

Katie Wilson wrote: THE FORCE IS AWAKENING: White people are realizing they are being displaced across the Western world. #BoycottStarWarsVII


End Cultural Marxism wrote: #BoycottStarWarsVII because white children deserve wholesome movies, not more PC anti-white diversity crap.


Ann Kelly wrote: #BoycottStarWarsVII because “diversity” just means chasing down the last White person. #WhiteGenocide


Nick Joseph wrote: #BoycottStarWarsVII – White people are being replaced in movies, neighborhoods & countries. Wake up. #WhiteGenocide 


Twitter user Wife With A Pumpkin wrote: Really glad white ppl got together finally bt seriously,we need a better issue than #BoycottStarWarsVII #WhiteGenocide in S Africa=better


She is right, it is great to see people finally taking a stand, but it seems odd to me that people are complaining more about an anti-White movie than the actual anti-Whites who smake the law.

With that said, we should still congratulate all the people who got on Twitter and called the anti-Whites out on their White Genocide propaganda. Well done to everyone!

H/T White GeNOcide Project

Of course, White Rabbit Radio also got into the action!




















In several European countries, people with alternative views on mass immigration have been repeatedly ignored by their governments, so they have turned to burning down empty “refugee” shelters to get their point across.

This is widespread in Germany, but we are now starting to see this happen in Sweden as well. In the last 6 days, 3 illegal immigrant accommodations have been set fire to.

The latest burning happened to an old school in Onsala, Kungsbacka, which had been converted to house immigrants. Onsala is a rich area close to the city of Gothenberg.

This happened just a day after a converted school in Smaland was torched.

The Swedish government has taken the most “refugees” in the history of the country, and this is causing a massive awakening to White Genocide.

Sweden Democrats, the only party which opposes massive immigration, is seeing a surge in support, and now the overall majority of voters say they will vote for them.

The anti-Whites kept the lid on all the alternative viewpoints for several years by screaming names and slurs, but Swedes have had enough and are protesting in the streets – and more importantly, at the ballot box.

H/T White GeNOcide Project

There really is nothing worse than an “educated” anti-White. They look back to historical wrongdoings by the anti-White elites (colonization, slavery, natural resource theft) and instead of pointing the fingers at these elites they use the current day White populations–who had nothing to do with any of it—as a repository for historical guilt. They lay blame on the SAME people a new generation of anti-White elites want to replace with a new generation of the non-White people their ancestors exploited hundreds of years ago. The “educated” anti-White seems to think that the best way to punish the anti-White elites for their historical wrongdoings is to promote EXACTLY what they want; the flooding of all White countries with non-White people so they can be turned into easy to manage and exploit mixed race melting pots; just like Brazil.

Here is a perfect example of the feeble anti-White mind. Perhaps he has good intentions (for the non-Whites of course), or perhaps he Is just another sociopath masquerading as a social justice warrior—who knows? But what he is writing in this article is truly the work of a sick anti-White mind.


Irish “politician” Eamonn McCann wrote this a few weeks ago in an Irish publication:

“If displaced people had a country of their own it would be bigger than Spain. The numbers – 50 million and rising – are set to grow, soon and significantly.”

So he is well aware of the numbers involved in this so called “migrant” crisis. He is well aware that we aren’t just talking about one boy washed up on a beach. No, we are talking about well over 50 million non-Whites who want to flood into Europe. 50 million non-Whites who will breed at least another 200 million non-Whites in the space of a generation.

Mr McCann continues by stating:

“Meanwhile, the biggest refugee problem of all, of Palestinians ethnically cleansed to facilitate the creation and expansion of Israel, steadily worsens. The perpetrators are welcomed into the community of respectable world leaders. Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank hear influential Israeli voices in Israeli politics calling for the job to be completed.”

So McCann obviously feels the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians–a non-White group–is a bad thing (which it is) but has no problem forcing similar conditions on White Europeans, as long as it benefits non-White groups? Can’t you see how anti-White that all is McCann?

Then Mr McCann moves into the tried and tested anti-White tactic by saying Europe must be flooded with non-Whites because we deserve it:

“They will be aware that European powers bear great blame for the cataclysm which has driven them onto the roads and the seas. Manipulation of borders, theft of natural resources, divide-and-rule policies, funnelling arms into the area, invasion, bombing . . . But now . . . Nothing to do with us . . . You’ve been warned . . . One more step”

Isn’t it funny how when they aren’t telling us how great vibrancy is, they are demanding we must accept it as a form of punishment! But as we already said Mr McCann, the anti-Whites whose ancestors did all of those things you list in your diatribe are the EXACT same groups who want to flood these people into Europe today.

Your fellow “Irish man” Peter Sutherland ex Goldman Sachs and now “Un Special Reserve For International Migration” (and Bilderberg member) was saying in 2012 that the EU should “undermine national homogeneity”

And it sure looks like they are using this “migrant crisis” as an excuse to do just that. See here and here

Mr McCann concludes his White genocide-promoting article by saying the following:

“Desperate people seeking safety for their families will press up against barriers erected against them by Europe and continue in ever greater compression……..The wave of misery washing over the world will not ebb soon. This is not a crisis but an epoch-changing moment. Only an upsurge of decency from below, challenging the priorities of the elites on policy at home as well as in relation to refugees, will meet the challenge. The attitudes of EU governments on display on Monday make violence with unpredictable consequences inevitable. On their heads be it.”

Now either Mr McCann really is a low IQ clown or he is being disingenuous here. Does he really not see the two steps forward one-step back game Sutherland and his anti-White cronies at the EU are playing? Are you really THAT dumb Mr McCann?

However, it would seem that Mr McCann is so much of a cuck that he wants to give up his living space in the beautiful emerald isle to literally as many non-Whites as he can squeeze in. He has even been out protesting that “migrants” equivalent to 5% of his areas population should be flown into old army barracks that were used by the English in the 1970s and 80s.

Mr McCann was quick to protest for the former residents of those army barracks to get out of Ireland (White English soldiers and their families) but is now protesting for them to be filled up again, only this time with non-Whites from around the globe.

Here is the question we must all ask from this story: Is there anything dumber than a White anti-White cuck?

H/T White GeNOcide Project