Earlier today a billboard appeared in South Bellefonte, AR reading ‘“Diversity” is a code word for #WhiteGenocide.’

This is a quotation from Bob Whitaker, whose heretical statements on establishment racial policy have gone viral on the internet and are now being used all over Europe.

Anti-white authorities both here and abroad have been demanding the suppression of these statements.

No reason for this suppression has been given other than the signs and statements are heresy.

In an Op-Ed published by the New York Times on June 22nd, leaders of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) demanded that these signs be remove.

Other Whitaker “mantra” signs have been removed because of such demands.

“They’re just a bunch of shirt-tail Hitlers,” says Whitaker, 74, from his home in South Carolina, “Just like Adolf, all they say is that I am daring to disagree with the Party Line. They never answer anything I say, they just demand that heresy be banned.”

SPLC accused Whitaker of having inspired the Charleston church shooting on June 17th. There is no evidence whatsoever of any truth in this charge.

“Just like their Uncle Adolf,” says Whitaker, “They accuse all opponents of criminal acts with no evidence.”

H/T Fight White Genocide


Roughly 2 out of 3 Poles do not want immigrants in Poland, and about 69% say they do not want non-White people in their country at all, according to studies.

Despite this, the EU has been putting pressure on Poland, as well as other Eastern European countries to take in illegal immigrants from Africa and the Middle East.

The public have made their views very clear, but Poland’s government has caved in to anti-White demands from the EU, and now Africans and Arabs are on their way.

The deputy minister declared today during an informal meeting with his counterparts in Luxembourg that Poland would be ready to host 2.000 people by 2017,said Malgorzata Wozniak, spokeswoman for the ministry of internal affairs.

Our goal is to show solidarity with other EU countries, solidarity which Poland has experienced before.

2,000 may not sound like a lot, but this is how it started in Western Europe (and America, Canada, and Australia).

Once anti-Whites got their foot in the door, they carried out a campaign of White Genocide in the name of “diversity”, which is still ongoing today.

Let’s face it – the only reason why Poland is having these immigrants thrust upon it is because it’s about 97% White.

We are living in an age where to be “too White” is a crime, and “diversity” and “multiculturalism” (for White areas only) is the solution.

chasing down 3







H/T White GeNOcide Project



President Obama is currently changing the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) regulations to suit a more anti-White agenda.

The new regulations will allow HUD to withhold money granted to White areas, if they don’t build enough cheap housing for non-White people.

American citizens and communities should be free to choose where they would like to live and not be subject to federal neighborhood engineering at the behest of an overreaching federal government,” said Rep. Paul Gosar, according to WND.com.

Meanwhile, a spokesperson for HUD disagreed with Gosar’s remarks.

HUD is working with communities across the country to fulfill the promise of equal opportunity for all,” the spokesperson said, “the proposed policy seeks to break down barriers to access to opportunity in communities supported by HUD funds.

All this talk about equal opportunity may make you warm and fuzzy inside, but what you may not know, is that HUD is ONLY mapping out the White suburbs in America. If you are living in a majority White area, your area has been put on a government hit-list.

Without any delays, the new laws are should come into effect in July , and around 1,250 local governments across the USA would be affected.

If you still don’t believe us when we say “White Genocide“, you are in denial.

Whites in America have been targeted by the government for more “diversity”. You cannot – repeat: cannot – target a group of people for any “demographics change”, “multiculturalism”, or “diversity”. That is genocide.

But it’s not just an American phenomenon; the Swedish government is also carrying out White Genocide with a law very similar to this one.

Anti-Whites always keep on proving that diversity is a codeword for White Genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


Backup_of_wesleyEYESAs part of their “diversity” agenda, anti-Whites are trying to stop White parents from putting their children in majority White schools.

In Britain, this is being promoted on the blatant lie that White students are lazy and non-White students will make them work harder.

Actually, this is because most non-White students live in the cities, and inner-city schools receive more funding.

Demos, a government think-tank, recently released a study which found some parts of England have naturally separated by race, despite “diversity” policies.

Trevor Phillips, a member of Demos, used this development as a chance to promote anti-White doctrine.

To some extent, in London the clever thing for smart middle-class parents to do is to look for schools which have substantial numbers of Indian heritage children, because the statistics say that their child will benefit from sitting in the same class as those motivated kids.

What’s important here is that parents have more information about these issues, they think a bit more carefully about the choices they are making because if we do that we can both do something about the social separation – which I think everyone would accept isn’t such a great thing – but we can also help some of those who are lagging behind.

White children are the ones who are doing least well. Those white children who are in schools where there are a lot of high-performing minorities tend to do better. There is something about sitting in class with those kids that improves performance … We are trying to prepare children for a diverse world – schools should reflect that.

For some strange reason, where ever there are White people, there is this “diversity” problem which can only be solved by making the area minority White.

Despite all the mountains of evidence, these anti-Whites still deny that “diversity” just means White genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project