

Two White Genocide stickers were found in Yorba Linda, California, which the newspaper, OCWeekly, for some reason described as “White power” and “White supremacist“.

Whenever someone is screaming words at you, it’s a pretty good indication that they want you to shut up. Well, OCWeekly, or this particular author at least, is anti-White.

One sticker contained the phrase “Diversity is a code word for #WhiteGenocide” which has also recently been featured on a billboard in Arkansas.

The other sticker read “Children of the rainbow“, and contained the hashtag “#AntiRacistHitler“. It also had a cartoon Hitler face with a rainbow mustache.

You know you’re a loser when you’re praising Hitler, who’s almost as as bad as the Confederate flag.” wrote the OCWeekly.

If they had watched the cartoon instead of being big anti-White cry-babies, they’d know it was a satirical political comedy, where Hitler comes back to modern day and uses open borders to get rid of the Jews in Israel in the name of “diversity” and “multiculturalism”.

In the real world, we have a hostile anti-White ruling class who are spearheading a campaign of White genocide – all in the name of “diversity” and other feel-good terms.

If “diversity” didn’t mean White genocide, then all races and countries would have it forced on them, rather than just White countries and White areas being targeted.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


It’s being described by anti-Whites as “fair housing” and “de-segregation”, but the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) new laws are all about getting rid of White areas.

The New York post has revealed this month that the Obama government is collecting information about you, your family, and your friends, in order to create a secret database so that it can address “inequalities” between White and non-White areas.

“Secret” may make it sound like a conspiracy theory, but what do you call it when it is being censored from the mainstream media.

This database will be used by HUD to target White areas and order them to build more section 8 housing. Inner-city residents would then be moved into White suburbs, in an attempt to make them minority White.

The database along with the all legal paperwork is being quickly finished before Obama leaves office.

The new law will give HUD the ability to withhold grant money from areas that don’t do what it says, and even sue them in court.

Segregation meant that races were forced to separate legally – this law legally forced races to mix. Since this ideology is only demanded for White countries, it amounts to a campaign of White Genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


Lord Arthur Weidenfeld, a Jewish man born in Austria, has unveiled his plan to fly 2,000 Iraqi and Syrian Christians to Poland.

He described this move as a way of “repaying his debts” to the British Quakers and other Christians who helped him leave the country during World War 2.

The ‘Weidenfeld Safe Havens Fund‘ has now been set up, and has already paid for 150 Syrians to be flown to Poland.

Only a few parts of Iraq and Syria are actually held by the Islamic State, and besides that, there are many Christian-safe countries in the Middle East anyway.

Why Poland, you ask? Because in the last few months, anti-Whites have decided that Poland will be the next country to face this White Genocide agenda.

Even though about 69% of Poles say they want their country to be exclusively for White people, the anti-White ruling class has decided that Poland will follow in the footsteps of Western Europe, America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

Some people claim that this is a Jewish conspiracy, and while they do certainly have a very active role, we are not dealing with a single hostile race, religion, or political ideology. Anti-Whites come in all shapes and sizes, and the most important point we should be making is that they’re anti-White, and that White genocide is their ideology.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


There are continuous protests going on all over Italy because the anti-White government is refusing to send back the African and Middle Eastern illegal immigrants.

The most recent protest took place in the village of Quito, north of Rome, where empty apartment buildings have been converted into accommodation for around 100 illegal immigrants.

Local Italians are furious that they have been ignored by their government, so protesters broke into the apartments, dragged all the beds and TVs into the street, and burned them.

The protesters have pitched up tents around the site, and say they aren’t going to stop protesting until illegal immigrants are sent back. They described it as an invasion of Italy.

A wall in the village was sprayed with the sentence: “Prefect Marrosu, take them home”

Luca Zaia, the president of the Veneto region, said he agreed with the protesters and described it as “Africanisation”.

“Africanisation” is not the most accurate term to describe what is happening to Italy, and indeed majority White countries globally.

This is simply White Genocide because various non-White groups are being used to “diversify” our neighborhoods and cities. This has never been voted for by ordinary White folk, instead, it has been forced on us by our own elite.

They are deliberately trying to make us minority White, and that is White genocide. It is not exaggeration or overstatement; this is clearly written into the international laws outlining genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project