Is there a White Genocide? (PDF file, 12.9mb)

Here’s my new e-book: Is there a White Genocide? It is meant to persuade people sitting on the fence to our point of view. The book is deliberately kept as short as possible (19 pages) to cater towards an audience with a poor attention-span (practically everyone these days, including me). It’s certainly a good read.

Can be found in the e-books section at WGP.

h/t White GeNOcide Project


610X320 BLUE NO OUTLINE - CopyIn Birmingham, Alabama, a massive “#WHITEGENOCIDE” was sprayed on a wall which could be seen by thousands of drivers each day on the i-59.

The message has since been covered up by the Birmingham government, but, a news company for the area wrote quite a sub-standard article about the sign, and didn’t even bother to get the opinion of anyone who promoted this idea of White Genocide.

They did however, get a few sentences from a professional anti-White.

According to Mark Potok with the Southern Poverty Law Center, ‘white genocide’ is a catchphrase used by a white supremacists group that exist online called the White Genocide Project.

Mr Potok is only calling us “supremacists” because we are White. Unless White folk are on our knees begging for mercy at how nasty and racist we are, then we are even more racist, in the eyes of anti-Whites.

Potok also say that the group believes women are having fewer white babies which translates to genocide of white people.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. We are directly accusing Mr Potok, and his ilk, of White Genocide. White Genocide is happening because anti-Whites like Potok are pushing anti-White policies in the name of “diversity”.

Under international law, this is genocide because these policies are deliberately engineered to bring about a White minority in White countries.


No Black country is described as “too Black” or is told it “needs diversity”. Nor is any Asian country. The only places on the planet which apparently “need diversity”, all happen to be White. Coincidence? Or White Genocide?

The group believes that anyone who actively opposes racism is secretly against white people” Potok said.

Secretly? No, they are PUBLICLY against White people! They proclaim White people to be racist, and then say they’re “anti-racist”. What they really are is anti-White.

H.Avenger: " We ran an article on this sign a week ago before they took it down.  We rarely add anything to Steve Goode's articles over at White GeNOcide Project.  Steve has been a power house of performance in turning out these articles in a timely manner.  However, we do think one thing is interesting in regards to Mr Potok's statement.  Potok and the SPLC know very well what we are saying.  We have always stated the following: "Forced Assimilation" = White Genocide.  We have never claimed that White Genocide is defined by just lower birth rates.  Is Mr Potok being disingenuous? Is he outright telling a whopper?  In our opinion, he is trying to put a strategy together to frame our message.  We have seen this effort of late as well by Elon James via This Week in Blackness.  Of course, this will not work for either of them.  They are not the only ones getting the call to explain our message. Furthermore, we are getting a ton of web traffic across the board.  Folks are coming right to the source to hear exactly what we have to say about #WhiteGenocide.  But it is telling that he would say something which he has to know is laughable to anyone with web access.  Mr Potok appears to still be living in a world where everyone is dependent on THEIR information.  Like the Politburo in the last days of the Soviet Union, the SPLC sits isolated at the top. They are forever reading their own pronouncements as if they are still dictating reality to the masses.  And we find this to be a very encouraging sign."

h/t White GeNOcide Project


In this video, an Asian boy (not sure what he is, maybe Thai or Cambodian, possibly Filipino) does some activism against White genocide in a mall.

This is either further proof that Asians are reasonable people, or proof that they actually do have a sense of humor (it is generally supposed that they do not).

As the reader is aware, I personally believe Asians to be generally okay folks, and in places like Singapore and Hong Kong, they have generally been able to exist in symbiosis with Whites without mixing the races (as Asians are more against race-mixing than Whites are, generally).  That isn’t to say I support Asian immigration, but it is to say that in any future situation, we will presumably have a good relationship with Asians.

We have a lot of Asian readers, who tend to agree with our beliefs 100%.  They are the one group of people which does not seek to parasite off of us, and actually brings something to the table as far as innovation and energy.

H. Avenger comments: "We share Andrew Anglin's view on Asians.  Since the beginning of White Rabbit Radio we have had exchanges with Asians that are deeply concerned with whats going on in Western Civilization.  So this type of activism by a young Asian on behalf of Whites does not surprise us at all.   The Asians we have had exchanges with believe that the fight against #WhiteGenocide is critical toward keeping these policies out of Asia.  In short they believe that if #WhiteGenocide were ever successful in the West.  They would be the next target."

h/t Daily Stormer


WIAT is a local television news station out of the Birmingham, Alabama.  They got hit with a meme they could not handle. So of course, they called their nearest Anti-White Chieftain to comment accordingly.


Racist graffiti is displayed prominently off of I-59 near the 31st street exit in Birmingham. “#WhiteGenocide” is painted in black block letters along a wooden fence that can be seen clearly from the interstate.This graffiti sends a racist message that community members like Bernie Fields want covered.

“I would like to think that we’ve outgrown this and that people can respect people of all races. It just seems like some people still want to hold on to it. I really would like to believe that they are in the minority,” said Fields.

According to Mark Potok with the Southern Poverty Law Center, “white genocide” is a catchphrase used by a white supremacists group that exist online called the White Genocide Project. The group believes that anyone who actively opposes racism in secretly against white people. Potok also say that the group believes women are having fewer white babies which translates to genocide of white people.

“It’s an absurd claim. But nevertheless this is what they say. They think white people are being destroyed in their own home. This whole idea has really caught on the extreme right,” said Potok.

You might have noticed that WIAT immediately calls it a "racist" message.  Anti-Whites automatically label all things White as RACIST.  This is why we always say:"Anti-Racism is just a Code Word for Anti-White".  The news piece itself is biased to the point of laughter.  Calling Mr Potok to comment on a Pro-White Meme is like Israel contacting AntiRacist Hitler to comment on Palestine.  While the Anti-White whining in the article is laughable.  The activism is NOT.  We advocate getting out the #WhiteGenocide Mantra by any lawful means.  And as the Western World has been finding out.  White Rabbits are listening, learning and ACTING.