This Week In #WhiteGenocide 9


This Week In #WhiteGenocide - 9
News For Impatient Whites

Horus The Avenger - - @eurorabbit
Truck Roy - Rense Radio Network
Johnny Monoxide - The Paranormies Present: The Ahnenerbe Hour - Super Mario Brothers
Fash Gordon

1:00 muh bomb threats - sheeeiiittt
7:00 Dear HuWhite people- The Netflix Debacle
9:04 The Myth of White Genocide
14:45 Grammar Nazis
17:25 Muh Feelz
27:45 Alt-Right Under the Microscope
43:05 The Fake President
49:00 Taking it Back
56:34 Interesting times
1:05.03 Hookers and Blow / Last Words