This Week In #WhiteGenocide – 15
D-Day for the Anti Whites
1:21 Jason Kessler
16:00 "To many police! " says Mr.(((FOGEL)))
18:52 Thomas Jefferson to be targeted next talented 10th lets slip
24:00 Charlottesville Flash Point for Americas cold civil war
36:30 Heroic krypto Jew fighting the hate as mayor of Charlottesville
39:49 Ling Wing Version of Stephan Crowder
41:58 Potental violance
45:07 D-Day for the anti whites
50:30 who is speaking at Charlotsville ?
1:00.00 white Genocide talk at Charlottesville Rally
1:07.45 (((((MARIN COUNTY CA ))) to fight white genoicde to protect schools system and home prices
Horus @eurorabbit
Fash @FashGordonLevitt
Johnny Monoxide @TheParanormies
Jason Kessler @TheMadDimension
Another fine program.
This British fellow was on Daily Shoah… (The Daily Shoah 174: #1 In Free Speech (ADL Approved) Podcast!)
Good vids to give normies.