This Week In #WhiteGenocide 10
This Week In #WhiteGenocide - 10
Stirring The Pot of Globalism
Host - Horus The Avenger - @eurorabbit
Co-Host - Johnny Monoxide - Mama Mia Nationalism, The Paranormies Present:The Ahnenerbe Hour
1:00 - Tucker and the #WhiteGenocide Prof
6:30 - #WhiteGenocide in the News
13:00 - Disaster in S.A. & Aussie Computer Class
20:00 - Polar Opposite of Anti-White & Marvel Diversity
32:28 - The Demise of the E.U.
38:02 - Trump, Bannon & (((Kushner)))
45:30 - Trump, Syria and the Disastrous War Drums of Globalism
56:00 - Married With Jews
101:00 - Closing Remarks