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Just recently it was stated by the Prime Minister of Hungary that he believed Soros was largely responsible for helping aid the “migrant” crisis aka flooding Europe with an endless flood of non-Whites from the third world.

We have already stated clearly here on WGP that we do not believe this so called “migrant” crisis just happened by accident. We simply do not believe that these people, in their millions, decided they were going to force their way into Europe with no one directing them from behind the scenes. As much as the media likes to imply Europe has had influxes of “refugees” like this in the past, it is simply not true. Nothing on this scale has happened to Europe before. It is nothing less that an attempt by someone, somewhere to:

Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (Genocide Convention Article 2c)

Now, the finger is being pointed at Soros, and if a smoking gun is found that links the “migrant” crisis to Soros will he be charged for crimes against Europe?

We have had calls for Tony Blair to be arrested for war crimes.

There even exists an organization still trying to get him arrested.

So what about Soros? Can he expected the same if it is discovered he has engineered this “migrant” crisis and has been maliciously trying to destroy the ancient ancestral homeland of White Europeans?












H/T White GeNOcide Project


While British and German intelligence agencies are worrying about ISIS and Al Qaeda coming over with the illegal immigrants, the Belgian government is frightened of the Belgians taking a stand against the tsunamigration.

The areas surrounding all illegal immigrant camps in Belgium have now been elevated from level 1 “no threat” to level 2 “average”.

Police will now be required to patrol these areas every few hours, despite Belgian intelligence agencies saying they have not detected any plans to attack illegal immigrant camps.

The Socialist mayor of Vilvoorde, thinks the threat level should be elevated even higher, because in his area apparently there are “houses with swastikas and far-right slogans.

If you know their game-plan, it’s no surprise that the Belgian government considers their own people more of a threat than Islamists masquerading as illegal immigrants.

Like most European governments, the Belgian government wants their country to be a “diverse melting pot” where no group is the majority. And by carrying out this agenda – by deliberately trying to make White people a minority – they are committing an act of White Genocide.

H/T White Genocide Project


The #BoycottStarWarsVII hashtag on Twitter has received a massive amount of attention from mainstream media, from the BBC, to CNN, the Guardian, USAToday, and many others.

A lot of the major voices on the hashtag are also talking about or hashtaging #WhiteGenocide. Some people don’t understand why they call it genocide.

“Genocide” is not some bad word that we say to scare people – it is the truth because what’s being done to White people on a global scale is classified as genocide under the United Nations Genocide Conventions.

And while the new Star Wars movie does not technically breach any of the genocide conventions, what it does do is participate in a much larger anti-White agenda which does breach the conventions.

Let me explain. When certain people talk about a lack of “diversity” they mean that an area is “too White”. When they call for “diversity” they are calling for an area to move in non-White people until White people are no longer the majority . . . but no one calls for “diversity” in any non-White area.

Now that is what we mean when we say White genocide.

Deliberately trying to change the demographics of a country, state, city, or town is genocide. It doesn’t matter if it’s done with non-violent methods – genocide doesn’t have to be violent to be genocide.

The director of the new Star Wars movie, J.J. Abrams, has admitted that he supports this “diversity” agenda, on film at least.


The new Star Wars movie is not causing White genocide, but it certainly is jumping on the White Genocide band wagon.

H/T White Genocide Project


The trailer to the upcoming movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens, has upset “thousands upon thousands” of people on Twitter who are saying it is anti-White and is promoting White genocide.

The #BoycottStarWarsVII hashtag has now passed one hundred thousand tweets on Twitter, and it is currently the top trending Twitter hashtag in the United States.

Katie Wilson wrote: THE FORCE IS AWAKENING: White people are realizing they are being displaced across the Western world. #BoycottStarWarsVII


End Cultural Marxism wrote: #BoycottStarWarsVII because white children deserve wholesome movies, not more PC anti-white diversity crap.


Ann Kelly wrote: #BoycottStarWarsVII because “diversity” just means chasing down the last White person. #WhiteGenocide


Nick Joseph wrote: #BoycottStarWarsVII – White people are being replaced in movies, neighborhoods & countries. Wake up. #WhiteGenocide 


Twitter user Wife With A Pumpkin wrote: Really glad white ppl got together finally bt seriously,we need a better issue than #BoycottStarWarsVII #WhiteGenocide in S Africa=better


She is right, it is great to see people finally taking a stand, but it seems odd to me that people are complaining more about an anti-White movie than the actual anti-Whites who smake the law.

With that said, we should still congratulate all the people who got on Twitter and called the anti-Whites out on their White Genocide propaganda. Well done to everyone!

H/T White GeNOcide Project

Of course, White Rabbit Radio also got into the action!



















This Week in White Genocide - #2- DIEversity Round Table



1:35 - Smash Racism DC (((shut it down))) NPI Conference
 9:26 - Heidi (((Berich))) from the SPLC and her fear of White Twitter

15:00 - The brown future of dating (This don’t look like no

  32:24 - Normal Whites recognizing #WhiteGenocide. Neo-Coens and Trump
 44.55 - Palestinian power, social media and exposing anti-Whites
 52:00 - #WhiteGenocide, the West and current events.
 105:04 - BUGS - Boot Camp and swarming the internet machine.


Governor Mark Dayton was one of the speakers at the NAACP Community Conversation, hosted in St. Cloud, Minnesota.

For several years now, St. Cloud has been one of the locations specifically targeted for “refugee resettlement”. The large influx of East African immigrants has caused racial tension between the White St. Cloud residents, and the East African immigrants.

To all the members of the audience who were upset with the increasing African immigration, Governor Dayton let it be known that he thinks they are all a bunch of big, dumb, racist, meanies!

Look around you. This is Minnesota,” he said. “Minnesota is not like it was 30, 50 years ago. … This is Minnesota and you [Africans] have every right to be here. And anybody who cannot accept your right to be here, and this is Minnesota, should find another state.

He described alternative views to his own as “unacceptable, un-Minnesotan, illegal and immoral“.

If you are that intolerant, if you are that much of a racist or a bigot, then find another state.” said Dayton. “Find a state where the minority population is 1 percent or whatever. It’s not that in Minnesota. It’s not going to be again. It’s not going to be that in St. Cloud, or Rochester or Worthington,

So much for a “Community Conversation“. More like you stand there and they tell you what’s what.

We hear this argument often from anti-Whites. They say if you don’t like the place you grew up being turned into a mish-mash of third-world groups, you should leave.

If Whites in a colonial country don’t like White Genocide, they are told to “go back to Europe” . . . meanwhile in Europe, those who don’t like White Genocide are sometimes told to “go to the North Pole”.

In order to understand White Genocide, you have to understand that it’s not because of what we’ve done or where we’re living – it’s simply because of what we are. Anti-Whites are trying to destroy what we are.

H/T White Genocide Project

AntiWhitePropSmallOn October 14th, the German town of Lohfelden, in Hesse, had a town meeting. The residents were informed that the very next day 800 illegal immigrants would be arriving in their town, and this upset many German residents.

The Regional Governor, Walter Lübcke, made a cringe-worthy attempt to influence peoples’ opinions.

It´s so great that this country has values and that these values make it really worth it to live in our country” he told the crowd.

We need to stand up for these basic values and anyone who decides not to STAND UP FOR THESE VALUES [tsunamigration] has the right to leave the country/state if they are not in agreement – it is the freedom of every German.

Yuck! What a slimebag. He basically said that Germans should leave if they don’t like tsunamigration.

The German residents were not fooled by his boot-licking, and he was immediately interrupted with “boos” and someone from the audience shouting “I can´t believe it – piss off!

We have freedom, we have a democratic system, the majority” he continued, but he was interrupted again by a member of the audience shouting “What democracy!?

Wow! Normal, everyday German families are getting really mad. “Waking up” gets tossed around a lot, but they really are waking up.

If illegal immigrants really were refugees they would be going to Saudi Arabia or Israel. They only come to Europe to get free stuff (which comes out of the pockets of working European families, need I remind you).

Anti-White politicians want to take them in because they want to get rid of the White majority, and make Europe “diverse”.

This is quite simply White genocide, because it is a deliberately engineered way of changing Europe’s ethnic character – making it less and less White.

H/T White GeNOcide Project