Our consistent message addressing this “race problem”. Also anything having to do with White Rabbit GeNOcide.

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Why is it that every White country on the planet must become “more diverse”?

Why is it that no area is allowed to be “too White”?

Why is it that non-White groups are allowed to remain untouched by “diversity”?

I’ll tell you why – diversity is just a code word for White genocide!

H/T White GeNOcide Project









Why is it that every White country needs to be CHASED DOWN and FORCED BY LAW to accept “diversity”?

Why is it that ONLY White countries need to be forced to accept “diversity”?

And if “diversity is our strength” why aren’t poor Black countries in Africa trying to become less Black?

Everyone knows why: “Diversity” is just a codeword for White genocide.


Have a listen to the Red Ice Interview: Why Diversity is a Lie