Tag Archive for: Cuckservative

This BADLY NEEDS YOUR ATTENTION. It has been a particularly bad time for my legs to go out on me, because we have the exact kind of emergency only I recognize THAT NEEDS YOUR ATTENTION DESPERATELY.

The multi-billion dollar industry our rulers lean on — big university funding — has just begun to get some tiny notice from Trump’s staff and even from FOX.

One Commie leader bragged about how she and her thugs had beaten up “FASCISTS” to prevent them from demonstrating at the University.

I mentioned this last week, when Trump had even cracked, “you better watch that” and then he went back to saving America by helping preachers to raise money on “Prayers back in schools” piece of crap.

Fox actually made a YouTube out of the interview that its wimp did with the anti-white violence advocate. But the Fox host was grinning desperately. ingratiatingly, so hard that I swear the skin folded all the way down around his anus!!

True, no cuckservative would have even mentioned this routine violence against free speech. But Trump saying, “No no, down kitty”, and Fox’s crinkling anus is a reminder of how aplogetitc they WANT TO GET.

Any institution that crushes free speech must be DEFUNDED………….NOW!



These wimps like the Fox host are searching desperately for an excuse to go back. Cuckservatives would rather die then stand up for free speech for people “Our Elite” disapproves of!!!

Trump and Fox want any excuse to get back on their knees and forget freedom for any groups that “celebrities” REALLY don’t like!

I’m not on my feet but I’m on alert.


Trump’s wretched little “There, there now” to the violent attacks on free speech are worse than useless.

Mr. Trump, Fox, all the professional cowards the woods are full of that you can hire to whisper about free speech and then back down. You couldn’t have lost so much without their devoted help these many years.

So tell them: either fight for unpopular free speech or crawl back to groveling where you feel so comfy.

Anti-racist is a code word for white genocide. In our violent atmosphere, you must with us get on your feet or get back on your ass.

DEFUND Oppression!

Taxpayers should not literally FUND your cowardice!

Stand up for free speech or get back on your knees where you BELONG!

Your yapping pup approach was old when BUCKLEY was NEW!


H/T WhitakerOnline



A White evangelical couple are bragging on The Washington Post’s website about how they have given birth to Black triplets, after being implanted with embryos.

They wanted Black children so their other adopted children, one who is Black and another who is mixed-race, would feel comfortable.

This past Sunday, my gorgeous wife – a white evangelical, like me — gave birth to our beautiful African-American triplet daughters whom we adopted as embryos.wrote the husband, .

These sweet girls will hopefully soon be coming home to meet their 3-year-old African-American brother and 2-year-old biracial sister, both of whom we adopted as infants.

Knowing that it is often more challenging to find adoptive homes in the United States for non-Caucasian children we informed the agency that we were willing to accept any child except a fully Caucasian child.

When we began the adoption process we knew race could play a major role in our family dynamics, which led us to ponder deeply what a racially diverse family would look like.

It’s not that we think race doesn’t exist, or that we don’t see it. In fact, it’s the opposite – we see it, and we embrace it.

There is something beautiful and enriching being the only white face sitting and chatting with some of my African-American friends as my son gets his hair cut on a Saturday morning.

When we met with the NEDC, we were again faced with the question of what ethnicity we would choose for our adopted embryos. We wanted additional siblings to feel connected to our first two children racially, and asked the team at the NEDC if we could be matched with African-American embryos.

In our minds, we are just living out our dream. A dream that may not look like the average family, but one that we are thankful could come true in light of our country’s history.

It’s especially encouraging to see so many of our fellow millennial evangelicals now placing a high priority on life, adoption and multi-ethnic families.

There you have it, their idea of a “racially diverse family” is one without their own White kids. All social justice warriors think that they are following a higher calling as the look down their noses on everyone else.

But it is we who should look down our noses at them. They have been tricked into following the anti-White “diversity” agenda that rich elites demand, and in their older life they may end up regretting it.

You can see just what we mean when we say “diversity” is a code for White genocide. Whenever you hear those in politics use the word, what they mean is: no White people.

H/T White Genocide Project


White Genocide may sound like a conspiracy theory that’s popular among tin-foil hatted gentlemen, but when you move past this knee-jerk reaction, there is actually an alarming amount of truth to it.

Most people will tell you that genocide is a group of people being murdered in some way, but that is just the popularized version. Contrary to the popular misconception, genocide does not have to be violent or involve mass murder – it could be a series of political policies to get rid of a group.

If there is a plan to target a group for destruction, that is genocide. In this article, you should see this “behind the scenes” plan come to light.

Susan Sontag, a film maker and professor, once remarked that “The white race is the cancer of human history.

She did not say anything ground-breaking; she was merely summing up what a certain portion of the ruling class thinks of its White majority citizens.

They believe that White people are some kind of “cancer” which must be wiped out. Furthermore, they all agree that the solution to this “cancer” should be to get rid of all the White countries by allowing a massive scale of migration from non-White countries.


General Wesley Clark, an ex-NATO commander who was involved in the bombing of Serbia, once let slip the real objective of his campaign.

There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states” he said. “That’s a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states.

Why Europe, specifically? Again, this is not a ground-breaking speech; many others have said the same thing, General Clark just said it more concisely.

By itself, moving different groups of people into White countries does not constitute genocide. What makes it genocide is that they then demand we “assimilate” with these non-White immigrants.

As one Israeli writer put it: “Sooner or later, their [immigrant’s] children and grandchildren will marry into veteran European families and change the demographics of their countries“, he said that this was “a good thing.

We have had quite a lot of influential people call for this. Like ex President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, who said in a speech that “the goal is to meet the challenge of racial interbreeding“, and that “not to intermarry racially is bad for the survival of the country.

Pretty blatant, right? But you’re probably saying that a quote from one politician doesn’t quite prove that there is a multi-national agenda to get rid of White people by blending us with other groups.


Well, in Germany, Joschka Fischer, ex Foreign Minister and ex Vice Chancellor wrote in his book that “Germany is to be contained from the outside and heterogenized from the inside by influx, ‘diluted’ so to speak.

And then in Sweden there is Mona Sahlin, Party Leader of the Social Democrats, who said,the White majority is the problem” and they “must be integrated into the new Sweden; the old Sweden will not return.


And in Australia, Bill Hayden, ex Foreign Minister, said “Australian Asians and Europeans will marry another and a new race will emerge”. Australiawill become a Eurasian society and we will be the better for it.

At the time of Hayden’s remarks, the then Prime Minister, Bob Hawk, said that he was not going to allow a debate on this issue: “We will not allow to become a political issue in this country the question of Asianisation.

In other words, he was saying there must be no alternative viewpoint. What’s important to remember here is that this was just a few years after the cancellation of the White Australia immigration policy.

Still not convinced? Perhaps you should read more of what these anti-Whites say?

These quotes are just the tip of the iceberg. But where did this plan or agenda come from? It surely must have had a creator, or someone who originally popularized this idea among the ruling elite class?

Well maybe it did – the most shocking and revealing quote you may ever see is from as far back as 1925, and it is from the founder and president of the Pan-European Union (the precursor to the European Union).

The man I’m talking about is Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi. He wrote in one of his books that “The man of the future will be of mixed race … [it] will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.


Surely it was just an innocent prediction?

It may have been more than that because in 1925 he was said to have told a newspaper that “we intend to turn Europe into a mixed race…

That last quote by him cannot be confirmed, but one thing you might have noticed in his other quote is that he uses the word “diversity”. He is the first person we know of to use it in that context, and since then, that word has become the battle-cry of the anti-Whites.

Whenever they scream “diversity” we all know they’re really saying “lets get rid of the White majority”. It has never been directed at any other group of people.

Non-White Immigration into every single majority White country is at the highest rate it’s ever been in history, despite poll after poll showing that the majority of voters are against it.

Politicians refuse to close the borders, and will not accept that it is even an option. Because of this, White people are subject to being blended out of existence, and at the very least our children and our children’s children may never have a place which they can call home again.


We could be forced to walk the rest of our days as a minority in almost every, if not every country on the planet.

After reading this article it should become obvious to you that this so-called “conspiracy” has a great deal of evidence to support it. Hopefully, this article will open up a mainstream discussion about White genocide and its implications for future White children.


h/t White GeNOcide Project


By Marc Steinsaltz Israeli Correspondent for Diversity Chronicle

(H.Avenger: Another great piece of satire from Diversity Chronicle. We are honored to say this piece was inspired by AntiRacist Hitler)

Under Israel’s extreme right-wing government, peaceful, beautiful, creative, and vibrant undocumented African migrants have been arrested and housed in concentration camps against their will. Thousands of intelligent, hard working, and law abiding Africans who only came to the state of Israel in search of a better life, and to make Israel an even stronger nation, have somehow been labelled a “threat” to Israel’s “Jewishness.” These people came with love in their hearts for Jews. For their naivety, they were segregated, numbered, locked up behind barbed wire, and then deported!

Undocumented migrants are often denied the right to work in Israel, to marry Israeli citizens, or even to use the state’s welfare programs. This is an obscenity and a violation of their most basic human rights! According to UN conventions on the rights of migrant peoples, Israel must grant full and complete legal equality to all undocumented migrants! This includes Arab migrants, Filipino guest workers, Somali pirates, and anyone else who resides or has resided in the past in Israel.

Fortunately, a group of progressive Israelis known as “Jews For Social Justice” are demanding that the state grant full equality to undocumented migrants. The group demands that Israel open its borders, so that peaceful people can enter the country freely. The spokesman for the group, Moshe Ficklestein, observed in a speech earlier today that “Jews are literally choking to death on their own Jewishness. They are suffocating from being Jewish in a Jewish state, they are dying inside from the despair, boredom, and emptiness of ethnic homogeneity. Israel is a sick society literally dying from a lack of diversity! Our nation is as boring, unexciting, and as tasteless as a piece of dry matzah, it needs African seasoning, and the more the better!”

Ficklestein’s speech was interrupted with boos and hollers from enraged Israeli racists and fanatical nationalists who insisted that Israel must survive as an exclusively “Jewish” state, whatever that means. I thought the idea of racial or ethnic states went out of fashion with the fall of the Third Reich. Alas, evidently not! The idea of a “pure” racial state lives on in Israel! Shocking, but true.

As Ficklestein continued speaking, he noted that “Jerusalem is devoid of a variety of authentic ethnic restaurants. At dance clubs lonely Jewish girls are forced to dance with Jewish males, instead of vibrant young African men. The African men are frankly, more exciting dance partners, as well as more interesting partners in every sense of the term! I speak from personal experience here. They possess superior virility and sexual stamina, so sadly many Jewish men resent them because of this! Those who oppose my policies are frankly jealous of African males! Sexual jealousy and uniformed petty bigotry drive all who oppose my policies! Feigned love for Israel or Jews is a mere smokescreen! These people are haters and racists. They are afraid of being cuckolded. Do not be fooled!”

Keep reading this post

The anti-Whites are trying to cuck us into accepting White geNOcide


Mention the #Cuckservative meme to a Republican and their heads begin to spin and the back peddling begins. It is quite strange that they seem to worry about being pro-White when the majority of their constituents that vote them into power are White. They are distancing themselves further from the people the supposedly represent through their cuckoldry. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CKtUwNLUAAAqVnJ.pngThe Cuckservative Republicans have turned their backs on true conservatives and lack any testicular fortitude to stand up and come out of their slumber of political correctness and equality that is ruining Western society through forced immigration and forced assimilation. Mike Enoch from The Daily Shoah sums it up about where the Cuckservatives have lost and why they will continue to be whiny shills that cater to everything except true conservatism.

From the Daily Caller – Comments – by Mike Enoch

Look, you guys have lost, even on the issues important to you as Christians because of your cuckoldry on the race issue. You’re not doing anything to preserve the white majority, but you’re not winning on your issues either. Gay marriage is a done deal. Abortion is here to stay, particularly as more broken nonwhite families enter the social services system and are encouraged by bureaucrats to abort. You lost, you lost, you lost.

With a white majority these issues were winnable, because whites vote conservative in the majority. But by being cowards on the issue of immigration and bending over for the left’s quite open plan of demographic replacement of whites in order to secure a permanent nonwhite left wing majority you lost. In 8 years it may be demographically impossible for the GOP to win a national election ever again. Even your precious Christian issues are done. Even your cucking for Israel is under threat. Do you think a nonwhite majority in the US is going to be keen to support your favorite ethnostate? They side with the Palestinians!

You lost everything, and all because you were afraid a group of communists, atheists and homosexuals would call you racist.

Many of the Cuckservatives fail to see the big picture. They have been molded into a mass of quivering Jello that will not take a stance against the anti-White narrative. The days of the John McCains, Mike Huckabees, Lindsey Grahams, etc. are numbered in the political sphere as Whites are beginning to take notice of the cuckoldry by the Republicans. The Cuck’s con has blinded the majority of Whites by using blinders of White guilt, forced immigration, White self hatred and forced assimilation to achieve the narrative to serve both sides of the isle. Whites are waking up to the perversions of the Cuckservative con artist.

So what is this con and how are we all involved? The #Cuckservative meme is just a part of the con that White Rabbit Radio has explained many times on his radio shows. The #Cuckservative meme is a byproduct of the second part of the con. Tim Murdock, from Horus the Avenger’s Follow the White Rabbit, explains it perfectly.

Throughout the years Whites have all been force fed a doctrine of political correctness, multiculturalism and a blended society by global elitists. Many end up having White guilt about what these elitist historians have told us through modern media and social outlets. People embrace the political correctness and self hatred for things they had no involvement in. Let’s look at the three stages of the con and how it effects the people negatively involved.

1. Denial of the con. It is human nature to deny that a person been lied to. This demoralization will cause the person or persons to constantly deny that anything has happened. Often, they deny until there is nothing left. The world around them is tumbling down.

2. Acceptance of the con. The realization that a person or persons been taken advantage of. Generally the person will laugh at the misfortune that it has caused them. For instance, in the last few years, more people are starting to make fun of political correctness and the thought of immigration is a good thing for all people. These people were fed the ideals of a utopian society where equality and integration are wonderful. That elephant in the room is starting to be acknowledged. Naturally, the person will laugh at the con as it is the best human emotion possible to make the person feel better and to accept the misfortune of being misled. Generally the person or persons accept it and move on.

3. Anger at the con artist. After the laughter and acceptance, anger ensues due to the realization that the person has been taken advantage of and LIED to. The person will seek to get what they lost back and only realize it is too late. What they thought was a good idea, was nothing close. At this point, they are seething with anger and question why did this even happen.

A great example of a con that Whites across the globe have experienced is that of multiculturalism and integration. What we were taught in school and throughout politically correct society has made things worse. We have been taken advantage of in the name of this unattainable utopia and have gone smiling to the gallows. All thanks to our Cuckservative leaders. Race is real and White Genocide is happening. Political correctness is a code word for Anti-White. The #Cuckservative meme is knocking the Republicans and their blind sheep against the ropes. It looks as though we are experiencing the last stage of the con as Whites are waking up to the false representation by the Cuckservatives which they once held dear.

H/T MeinVolk




Is there a White Genocide? (PDF file, 12.9mb)

Here’s my new e-book: Is there a White Genocide? It is meant to persuade people sitting on the fence to our point of view. The book is deliberately kept as short as possible (19 pages) to cater towards an audience with a poor attention-span (practically everyone these days, including me). It’s certainly a good read.

Can be found in the e-books section at WGP.

h/t White GeNOcide Project