New bill passed to get more Africans into America



A new bill called the Adoptive Family Relief Act has been passed, which makes it easier for anti-White individuals to adopt Africans from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

In an attempt to help these families, the Adoptive Family Relief Act will provide meaningful financial relief by granting the State Department the authority to waive the fees for multiple visa renewals in this and other extraordinary adoption circumstances,said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

This bill will now go to the President for his signature, and it is my hope it will bring needed assistance to so many loving families who want nothing more than to open their homes to a child in a need.

McConnell wants to look like he cares about adopted children, but he has only been working to bring in adopted children from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Seems he has a hidden agenda…

McConnell got an adopted child from the DRC back to the US for one particular couple.

The couple said: “We truly appreciate the Senator’s dedication on this heart wrenching situation and hope this bill will be able to assist Kentucky families, as well as many others dealing with the financial impact of the adoption crisis in the DRC

For 2 years now, the Democratic Republic of Congo has had restrictions in place to make it harder for foreigners to take adopted Congo children out of the country.

For this Kentucky family and the many others that are still waiting, I again, strongly urge the DRC government to resolve this matter expeditiously in a way that provides for the swift unification of families” McConnell said.

If ever there was anyone more deserving of the title “Cuckservative”…

Some people think that it’s just the left-wing of politics that’s responsible for White Genocide, but actually McConnell is republican, and so many anti-Whites.

This is not a left-wing versus right-wing struggle, it is pro-White versus anti-White struggle. Which one are you?

h/t White GeNOcide Project

1 reply
  1. frontierland
    frontierland says:

    Ugh, oh goodie, just what we need, more Congoids in the US.

    Mitch McConnell is a Cuckservative serving his Cuck-Stituants.

    Nice Graphic Horus… SS Diversity.. HA!
    I’ll be blasting that one out into the Discuss comment sections.
    I love these Pro-White meme-graphics, sometimes if your too freakin busy to leave comments, just pasting one of these up there is a great way to hit and run.

    Hot as hell here in Ventura, CA… Mexican Occupied California.
    But at least we have some good southern hemi surf pushing through.

    And the bonus is, out in the water, it’s still majority White… for now.

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