Entries by H.Avenger

Libertarians believe in Magic part 2

Many libertarians ideas on how to "Americanize" migrants are the equivalent of believing in magic. Recently I was talking with a friend of mine, whom we will simply refer to as "Jim." Jim is a libertarian who believes that races are different but only as a result of culture. To the average pro-white this idea is baffling and laughable but nothing […]

White Genocide goes World Wide

Following the worldwide trend of the popular "White Genocide" internet meme cropping up in almost every corner of the western world, Pro-White website Renegade Broadcasting.com has taken it upon themselves to take the fight yet one step further. The guys and gals at Renegade have started a banner drive to raise money for Pro-White activism and the funding […]



Ázsia az ázsiaiaknak, Afrika az afrikaiaknak, Fehér országok mindenkinek!   Mindenki mondja, hogy van ez a faji probléma. Mindenki azt mondja, hogy ez a faji probléma akkor lesz megoldva, amikor a harmadik világ beleolvad az ÖSSZES fehér országokba, és CSAK az fehér országokba! Hollandia és Belgium ugyan olyan zsúfolt, mint Japán vagy Taiwan, de senki […]