chasing down 3

A new study by the government has found that White working-class people in Birmingham feel betrayed and excluded by politicians who they feel have deserted them for non-White people.

Researchers from the Department of Communities and Local Government questioned White working class people around Castle Vale, which is still largely White.

One of the major concerns was that White people were not welcome in the city at night.

He [a local White resident] talks of a few incidents that have occurred over previous years, including a road sign in an area with a high Asian population, on which was sprayed the phrase ‘No Whites after 8.30the government report says.

These ‘no-go areas’, according to him, are mirrored by Castle Vale, a place where he feels safe but others [other White people] would not dare go.

The anonymous resident spoke about how he felt intimidated by the large “Asian” population (Muslim, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian).

There’s these areas that have completely been took over… and you do feel very uneasy. Not just me, and I only drive into these areas, never actually walk into these areas, I just wouldn’t.

These are our little havens, places like Castle Vale, and it’s about 90 per cent white in this community, and it’s just such a relief you know…

Even though there’s people out there that would be terrified to come to Castle Vale, we can’t wait to get back to it.

The city of Birmingham, or “Brum” as the natives call it, is the second most populous city in the UK, and it is also the second most non-White city, at 58% White. London takes first prize for being the most populous city and also the most non-White, at just 55% White.

London is predicted to be minority White in a few years – it is already minority White British (45%). The government report predicts the same minority White status for Birmingham by 2024.

This is not happening in just Britain, nor is it happening in just a handful of White countries – it’s happening in just about every White country on the face of the planet.

If this were happening in just one or two White countries we might not consider it to be White genocide.

But because this is happening all over the planet, it sure does look White genocide to us.

h/t White GeNOcide Project



Despite protests, German Chancellor, Angela Merkel said that Islam is a part of Germany.

Former president Wulff said Islam belongs to Germany.she said after speaking to the Turkish Prime Minister, “That is true. I also hold this opinion,

Anti-White politicians in Germany are being put under increasing pressure from the growing PEGIDA protests which are against immigration from Muslim countries, as well as Islamic culture being forced on them.

At first, a spokeswoman for the German government said there was “no place” for their views, which she described as “religious hatred“. That only helped to stir up more support for the protesters.

Markus Ulbig, Interior Minister for Saxony noticed this and told[The German government] cannot label 10,000 people as right-wing extremists. That creates more problems than it solves“.

The fact is, these protests would never have taken place if Germany had not opened its borders to non-European (non-White) immigration.

All this non-White immigration and all these “diversity” programs (where no area can be “too White”), all of it is causing White people in countries across the globe to become a minority.

Nobody ever really asks “why is this happening?”. It seems only a few of us ask that questions . . . but one thing I do know is that this is a program of genocide.

It’s White Genocide because anti-White politicians and groups are aware that what they push results in a White minority, but they do it anyway. Deliberately targeting a group to make them the minority is not genocide by some technicality in the genocide conventions – it is just the lesser heard of definition.

h/t White GeNOcide Project


From a billboard near Birmingham, Alabama:


If this billboard is real* (I have no evidence to doubt its authenticity), then we are witnessing the beginning of the end of malignant anti-white universalist liberalism. Hope and change, baby.

Nerds talk about an AI singularity, but they are mistaken. The real singularity will be when The Awakening and It’s Happening collide to usher an era of truth, beauty, and realtalk, leaving behind the Dark Age of White Male Pussydom.

As I predicted, the freethinker revolution appears to be stirring first in the South, and this time around victory will not go to the Yankees. There will be no united America that survives the second homegrown clash. There will be either annihilation total of the old guard, or there will be division and separation.

In the coming battles, remember the true enemy. It’s the white elite that labors continuously to rend the race, rend the nation, and rend the family. Their defeat is required.

*If the billboard isn’t real, don’t worry. Rest assured, billboards like it are coming. The Hivemind can feel the walls closing in on them. Hence, the recent tone of hysteria that tinges Hivemind indoctrination feeds.


According to sources, the billboard is real. And there was another, similar billboard spotted in the region.

What an exciting time to be alive, witnessing the birth of a new nation!

h/t Chateau Heartiste