This Week In #WhiteGenocide – 4 If You Thought We Were Joking, Just Ask France


Horus The Avenger - @eurorabbit
Truck Roy - RenseRadio
Asguardian - @warowhites
Mein Volk - @meinvolk
Fash Gordon @RatLinesMemes

Introduction by Horus
1:20 - Borders, Bombs and Euro Speculation

14:00 - State Reactions and U.S. Trends

20:28 - Citizen Displacement

24:25 - Personal Protection and Push Back

38:30 - With Open Gates and Altruist Fashionistas

47:30 - Adopt a Jew

52:06 - This Week In #WhiteGenocide Muppets Intermission

53:14 - Black Live Matter and The Klan Visits Mizzou

1:01:30 Conditioning and Wide Sky Destabilization

1:07:49 - Trump Theory : 101

Have a listen to the podcast banned by SoundCloud!
