This Week in #WhiteGenocide 24
This Week in #WhiteGenocide 24
The LawACo$t
1:06 White genocide billboards
2:47 Nathan Domingo and Eli Mosley discuss Charlotsville Law suites
13:00 Permits
27:00 Urgency is now here for white civil rights lawyers guild
32:10 Intermission
34:33 What the law suite is trying to claim
40:45 Nobody knew James Fields
47:39 Chris Cantwell
58:10 Need to start donating if you want the movement to keep growing
Hatreon Identity Evropa defense Fund
Foundation for the Marketplace of Ideas attn Identity Europa legal defense fund
Eli Mosley on Twitter: @EliMosleyIE
Nathan Damigo on Twitter: @NathanDamigo
H.Avenger Twitter @Eurorabbit
H.Avenger Gab @H_Avenger
Fash Gordon Gab @Fash_Gordon
Johnny Monoxide Twitter @TheParanormies
Johnny Monoxide's Hatreon
Horus the Avenger's Hatreon