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Tag Archive for: White Rabbit GeNOcide
Over the past few weeks we have seen case after case of anti-whitism. From the professor who declared his wish for Christmas was white genocide, to a group of 4 blacks who live streamed torturing a disabled white kid on facebook for being a Trump supporter. And each time, these incidents are dismissed and covered up.
Drexel university initially called the professors tweet “utterly reprehensible, deeply disturbing” later changing their statement to “protected speech” and choosing not to fire the professor. In a statement from the professor he wrote “White supremacy is on the rise, and we must fight it by any means. In that fight, universities will need to choose whether they are on the side of free expression and academic debate, or on the side of the racist mob.”
What’s hilarious about the professors statements is that there is no “free expression” or “academic debate” on campus. As Bob points out in the article below, any disagreement with the politically correct line is banned and the universities screamers and thugs shut down any debate.
I would ask each of you to join me in contacting Drexel University to demand an open discussion between the professor who called for White Genocide and Bob Whitaker. Will the university stand “on the side of free expression and academic debate”?
The Bizarro World of Anti-Whites by Bob Whitaker
We live in a Bizarro World, a world where White Genocide is being carried out in the name of “Diversity,” and any objection to this anti-white policy is banned.
In our Bizarro World, massive third world immigration into every WHITE country, and ONLY to WHITE countries, is official policy.
In our Bizarro world, General Wesley Clark declared that official American policy is to send troops to fight and die so that, “There is no room for an ethnically pure country in Europe.”
Immigration is only the first step in this genocidal policy. In every white country there Is a policy of FORCED racial assimilation. In 2008 the President of France declared officially that this program of racial intermarriage was going too slow, and he threatened to use force to speed it up.
All whites everywhere must be chased down.
This policy of chasing down a race is not completely new.
In the nineteenth century the United States passed a Fugitive Slave Act to chase down escaped blacks.
We now have a program to chase down fugitive whites. These escaping whites are called White Flight. Policy today demands that all White Flyers be chased down.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has declared that there are too many whites in Northern Idaho. They are raising money to chase them down with non-whites. Yes it sounds insane, but it is official policy today.
But there is one big difference between the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 and today’s Fugitive White Policy.
Back then, Africans were allowed to condemn the Fugitive Slave Act. But no one is allowed to breathe a word against the policy of chasing down and ending the white race.
Applied to any other race but whites, this Bizarro Policy would be described as genocide. The Australian Prime Minister declared that the aborigines were being subjected to quote “genocide by assimilation,” which is exactly what is being done to whites.
But no criticism of white genocide by immigration and assimilation is allowed anywhere on earth. In our Bizarro world, criticism of our fugitive white policy is crushed.
Anyone who dares to question this Bizarro anti-white despotism is attacked by the three groups I call Screamers, Thugs and Thought Police.
Screamers are there to shout down any questioning of white genocide. They shout words like “Nazi!” “White Supremacist!” “Racist!” and “White Separatist!” One minute they scream for diversity because there are too many white people and the next minute they scream there is no such thing as white people.
Anti-white screamers do not have to make any sense. They just have to make noise.
Then there are the rulers of all our colleges, the thugs.
The thugs are the white version of the Polar Bear Hunting done by black thugs. They control all campuses. If a speaker might question white genocide, they simply threaten to riot and the speaker is banned by the faculty “to prevent trouble.”
But screamers and thugs are all they can use in America. In Europe and other countries they have their anti-white thugs and screamers, but mostly they just use good old fashioned Thought Police and iron bars to suppress dissent. In Sweden, any criticism of any immigration policy gets you slapped into prison.
White genocide is being forced and any objection to it is attacked by the Screamers, Thugs and Thought Police.
Despite all this noise and violence and Stalinist law, I choose to speak out.
I invented the Mantra and the term White Genocide.
I have slowly developed a meme which at least objects to the screamers, thugs and thought police. The anti-whites are finally admitting that the terms “anti-white” and “white genocide” actually exist.
We are in the last country on earth where only the screamers and thugs try to silence me. This is the only country where I can challenge any of you Bizarro anti-whites to debate or question me.
I doubt seriously any of the anti-whites will show up if they don’t have their thugs with them.
On Christmas Eve, an eminently smackable-looking self-described “actual communist” crouched down, grabbed his ankles, and shat the following Tweet upon planet Earth:
All I want for Christmas is White Genocide
The offending Tweeter was George Ciccariello-Maher, a professor of politics and global studies at Philadelphia’s Drexel University. He doubled down on Christmas Day:
To clarify: when the whites were massacred during the Haitian Revolution, that was a good thing indeed.
But in the midst of a backlash, he said he was just kidding because—haw!—there’s no such thing as white genocide:
On Christmas Eve, I sent a satirical tweet about an imaginary concept, ‘white genocide’…an idea invented by white supremacists and used to denounce everything from interracial relationships to multicultural policies….It is a figment of the racist imagination.
Ciccariello-Maher’s own words—in which he repeatedly takes a sadistic glee in the notion of violent white extinction—reveal he is absolutely full of shit. He wrote a 2014 paper called “‘So Much the Worse for the Whites’: Dialectics of the Haitian Revolution” in which he argues that the wholesale slaughter of Haiti’s white inhabitants was a righteous act leading toward “universal emancipation,” and we all know how well that all worked out for Haiti.
In 2013, the mystifyingly employed professor stated “Yacub made a lot of white folks,” citing a brain-damaged theory of the Nation of Islam that an evil black professor created white people roughly 6,000 years ago.
In 2015, he wrote, “Abolish the White Race.”
In 2016 he wrote about an alleged conversation with his son, whom daddy has apparently brainwashed to the point where sonny-boy is talking about poisoning white people. Late in the year Ciccariello-Maher wrote about sending “Racist Crackers” to gulags.
Pardon me for noticing that it all sounds mighty genocidal, whitey.
Belching out the sort of logic-defying, obfuscatory nonsense that has been a hallmark of their flailing attempts at discourse for generations now, Ciccariello-Maher’s supporters claimed since there’s no such thing as “white people,” there could not possibly be anything such as “white genocide.”
Mind you, these are the same dolts who openly gloat that “White America Is Dying,” citing demographic trends they insist are inevitable.
So in other words, even though white people don’t exist, it’s a good thing that they’re dying out, and you’re a racist if you don’t understand that.
Part of the reason so many people snort and guffaw at the notion of white genocide is that the term “genocide” itself is generally understood as something that happens quickly, openly, and violently. It is not conceived as something that happens gradually as a result of deliberate demographic meddling by the powers that be.
But according to Raphael Lemkin, who is credited with coining the term “genocide” after World War II:
Genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation….It is intended to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves….The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion….
Proponents of the “white genocide” hypothesis claim that this is precisely what’s happening in Western countries—and only Western countries—through loose immigration policies and nonstop voodoo propaganda about the moral turpitude of not only white people—who, again, don’t really exist—but the very notion of whiteness.
They claim that the mass infusion of nonwhite populations into Europe and the United States—which has never been democratically approved of by any of the host populations and has instead been foisted upon them—violate this passage in 1948’s United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide:
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.
The howling double standard—i.e., the fact that no one is forcing Africa, Asia, or Israel to “diversify” while cramming diversity into every majority-white nation on earth—has led to Robert Whitaker’s famous phrase “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.”
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The Mirror’s US Editor, Christopher Bucktin, recently visited Harrison, Arkansas declaring it the most “racist” town in America. Why?? Because it is “too white”.
Christopher Bucktin despises white people. His self hatred is SICK!
As of this morning, this article has 11,511. That is some priceless free exposure for our message.
We’re winning the globalism vs. nationalism fight. The next fight is civic nationalism vs. racial nationalism. If we don’t win that, we don’t win anything.
Our enemies are doing everything they can to turn this wave of dislike of Political Correctness and Globalism into something “anti-racist” (only in White countries, of course). Look at Breitbart or Infowars.
“America for Americans!” Well, duh, that’s what we’ve been saying forever. The trouble is, they say anyone can be an American. And now America is at least 40% non-white.
They say a nation is it’s values. Or they say that there is something magical in the dirt that makes everyone who steps on it an “American.” We say a nation is its people and that values are an expression of race.
They say anyone of any race just needs to be taught and incentivized to hold the correct values, including anti-racism and “diversity is our strength.” Anyone who disagrees with those values must be suppressed. EXACTLY like the globalists operate. So Civic Nationalism is just another form of Political Correctness.
A nation is either based on a proposition or a people. A nation based on a proposition cannot have free speech because any opposition to that proposition must be suppressed. We adults know that as soon as non-Whites get in sufficient numbers, they will impose the values that flow from their racial consciousness, regardless of how much effort you spend propagandizing them.
The United States Constitution states in the preamble the only purpose of America: to “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” This is clearly a nation based on a people – “ourselves and our posterity.”
The battle is far from over. We may be entering the toughest phase, where they give us everything we want BUT a homeland and we have to convince our comrades that that is not enough, that that is, in fact NOTHING.