Our consistent message addressing this “race problem”. Also anything having to do with White Rabbit GeNOcide.

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Counterpropaganda is memetic defense against the reigning propaganda, which today happens to be the propaganda of anti-white “anti-racism”. COPROP is similar to COINTEL, the former sharing the latter’s goal of protection against enemies within and without who might engage in espionage, subversion, or psychological warfare.

COPROP uses the tools and tactics of manipulation of the anti-white propagandists against them. As an anonymous Unz commenter explained,

Immigration, or rather population replacement, is one issue where most of the political class is brain-dead, as well as a large portion of the general population. We’ve allowed a situation to develop where antiracism has gradually mutated into an ideology that seeks to destroy the entire European world. Antiracism is the communism of the 21st century.

Lots of analyses around. Lots of people seeing the same problems. No feasible solutions being offered up.

Mr. Frost,

There is a group, acronym BUGS, that works to develop a counter-culture to “antiracism” by spreading memes.

The most popular one is “anti-racist is code for anti-white”. The term “anti-white” is getting record levels of media hits, due entirely to the efforts of this group. Fighting “anti-whiteism” squares the circle of creating a moral ideology to rally around that is also self-preserving.

Another popular one is “diversity is white genocide”. That’s a tough sell to media. I’ve seen it repeated, perhaps not by BUGS affiliates themselves, with softer finishes like “targeted race replacement”, “white-only race replacement”, “anti-white ethnic cleansing”, and such.

A softer diversity meme is “diversity means chasing down the last white person”. This covers all three necessary bases:

Diversity targets only white people
“Last” means reduced to eliminated demographically
“Chasing down” means its involuntary

So we have an undemocratic ideology targeting only one group of people based on their race, ethnically cleansing them in their historic homelands. These simple memes rightfully expose feel-good buzzwords as something sinister.

BUGS also develops memes to counter common anti-white rebuttals like “America belongs to the Indians”.

In terms of countering “antiracism” and “diversity”, the BUGS meme strategy of exposing the sinister meaning behind those terms is the most effective strategy I’ve seen.

QFT. Branding matters. People may feel something wrong deep in their bones, but cannot express their anxiety. Slogans and catchphrases and snappy aphorisms — COPROP — bridge the gap between feeling and expression. These performance-tuned words, so simple, direct, and honest, beat back decades of propaganda foisted on us by the Lords of Lies, and catalyze resistance. Even rebellion. Clear messages help a psychologically imprisoned people to clear their minds of culture trash, and from that follows boldness of belief and, finally, action.


And, of course, CH’s own contribution to anti-anti-white COPROP:


Now all this movement needs is a logo, a symbol encapsulating great power and righteousness, as its war banner.

H/T Chateau Heartiste


Last week on the Veteran’s Day parade in Albany, Oregon, residents found flyers against White Genocide placed on their car windshields.

The flyers featured the phrases “ANTI-RACIST is a code word for ANTI-WHITE” and “DIVERSITY is a code word for WHITE GENOCIDE.

Some anti-Whites were outraged and called the police and local government, and wrote letters to the Democrat-Herald.

According to the Democrat-Herald, Peter Goodman, a member of “Community Action For Racial Equity” or “C.A.R.E“, a local activist group, opposed the message of the White Genocide flyers.

He said “When something like this happens we encourage people to make an individual protest [...] Contact the police or write to the paper to let the community we don’t want that here.

We’re asking the city affirm opposition to this sort of hate literature and promote a welcoming attitude

Unless this type of thing is challenged it will fester and grow, [...] These things are an attack on all citizens.

Legally speaking, “hate” means something that targets a group. When anti-Whites like Goodman say “hate”, what they mean is “I hate it”.

Anti-Whites targeting White people for massive non-White immigration and forced “diversity” could certainly be defined as “hate”, but it’s much more accurately defined as genocide.

h/t White GeNOcide Project


 Managerial Class vs. The Establishment

Tim Murdock is the host of White Rabbit Radio and producer of the popular animations, How The Whites Took Over America and Anti-Racist Hitler and Johnny Racist, which are constantly being censored. He returns to discuss the managerial class and why the establishment fears true independent alt media, now resorting to the removal of certain programs on ITunes, YouTube, Vimeo and elsewhere. Why is the enemy so afraid to talk about politics concerning White European folk? Why is it so threatening to the establishment? We’ll also talk about the difference between discussions and psychological warfare and what the opposition might have in store next since we’re constantly upping the ante. Tim tells why he simplifies things down to us vs. them, painting the enemy with a broad brush. Later on, we discuss how Europeans don’t have a morality that includes their own existence. He also brings up the important point that it’s much easier to be anti than pro something.

Click here for the Interview


USAToday has put out a new article which maps the “Diversity Index” of the various States in America, from 1960 to 2010, with what they are predicted to become by 2060.

This is just the beginning. Barring catastrophe or a door-slam on immigration…” the USAToday reporter wrote, “For the first time, non-Hispanic White students are in the minority…

We should be really happy that we have this large minority growth in the United States,” said a demographer from the Brookings Institution.

William Frey, author of the unreleased book: “Diversity Explosion” said “This is everybody’s business to make sure we have a productive multi-ethnic population in the United States,

And we should be so thankful that they’re here, because if we didn’t have the immigration and the fertility of these groups in the last 20 years, we would be in the same situation as Japan or a lot of European countries, which are facing a declining labor force and an aging population.

The US had been a majority White nation for many decades, but that started to change around 1970 when the White population was gradually pushed out of certain areas with mass non-White immigration.

In 1950 the US was 90% White – today it is about 65%. The trend towards a White minority in America, and indeed many other majority White countries is not a coincidence – it’s a policy. It’s called “diversity” by the anti-Whites who push it.

“Diversity” is simply a codeword for White genocide, because that’s what this policy of “diversity” is. It’s about taking White countries and turning them minority White.

Asian and Black countries and areas are not required to have this kind of “diversity” where they get rid of their majority population. This “diversity” is reserved only for White countries and White areas.

h/t White GeNOcide Project