Our consistent message addressing this “race problem”. Also anything having to do with White Rabbit GeNOcide.

Tag Archive for: The Mantra

A case of White Genocide in South Africa has been filed in the International Criminal Courts this week.

A member of the “Americans against White Genocide in South Africa” group, has said there has been a “case filed against Genocide today at the International Criminal Courts in the Hague“.

A PDF of the scanned letter they received from the Hague “acknowledges receipt” of the letter against White Genocide.

The group primarily seems to be based on Facebook, where it has almost 600 members.

On Facebook, the group’s description says:

This group is based in America. The aim is to bring the plight of the White minority group in South Africa, commonly referred to as the Boers. (The Boers are White Farmers whose families have come here very much like our own-covered wagon- pioneers. Their families have lived in South Africa for over 300 years).
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Residents of a town in Wyoming are told to leave; EPA gives the land to American Indian reservation.

The town of Riverton, in Wyoming, has been disputed territory between American Indians and Whites for some time now. The local American Indians are demanding a 1 million acre plot of land which the town sits on, to be added to their current reservation.null

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has accepted the local tribe’s claims, and declared the land to be for American Indians, despite any legal authority to do so.

EPA has not said if the residents of the town are will be paid for their properties; the silence is likely to mean they are not.

In a public statement, Senator Leland Christensen said “This is an alarming action when you have a federal agency step in and start to undo congressional acts that has really been our history for 108 years … with the stroke of a pen without talking to the biggest groups impacted, and that would be the city of Riverton and the state of Wyoming.

The Wyoming Governor, Matt Mead, says the state of Wyoming would not recognize the authority of EPA, and is planning to take legal action through federal courts.
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Johnny Mantraseed's Famous Video is back up! 




the original classic from Smiling White Faces

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