Tag Archive for: RapeTheWhiteWomen


Swedish Newspaper, Svenska Dagbadet, has revealed that in the Swedish police force there is a letter circulating which instructs police not to report the race, ethnicity, and nationality of criminals.

The letter, which was written by Stockholm police press officers Wolf Gyllander and Carina Skagerlind, was published on September 15th, 2015.

Gyllander said that “We want to avoid pointing out ethnic groups as criminal” so basic information of suspected criminals will now be withheld from the public.

The letter says this cover-up policy is to be applied to “everything from lighter traffic accidents to serious crimes like muggings, beatings and murder.

Normal Swedish people are starting to become outraged by the horrific crimes that have been committed by non-White non-Swedish immigrants.

The Sweden Democrats, the only political party which will voice this opinion, has become the most popular political party in Swedish politics to date, with an estimated 25.2% of the vote.

Why are other political parties trying to stop this opinion from being voiced?

Mona Sahlin, Party Leader of the Social Democrats, made it clear why the elite will not allow this opinion.

She said thatthe White Majority is the Problem” and “the Swedes must be integrated into the new Sweden, the old Sweden will not return.

So you see, according to the elite, the White majority must be “integrated” with millions of non-White immigrants.

This is White genocide, and their “diversity” agenda is nothing more than code for White genocide.

H/T White GeNOcide Project

But certain German authorities don’t seem to care about these poor girls and women – instead they are worried that Germans will use their mean and hurtful words!

Roland Schaefer, head of Germany’s association of towns and localities told reporters “Events like that in Cologne foster xenophobia…

Cologne Mayor, Henriette Reker, was worried that people might blame the government’s recent immigration policies for what’s happened

It’s completely improper… to link a group that appeared to come from North Africa with the refugees” she said.

One man was with his girlfriend and 15 year-old daughter when they were surrounded by a large crowd of Arab men.

The attackers grabbed her and my partner’s breasts and groped them between their legs.” the man recalls.

About 300 German women gathered on Tuesday 5th, to protest against this rape wave and to criticize German Chancellor, Angela Merkel.

In German politics, as in all Western politics, certain politicians want to carry out a White genocide by singling out all the White areas, and forcing “diversity” on us.

Joschka Fischer, former Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor of Germany, summed up the position of Germany’s anti-White doctrine:

Germany is to be contained from outside and heterogenized from the inside by influx, ‘diluted’ so to speakhe wrote in his book.

Merkel’s regime is simply just carrying out this anti-White agenda. They will call it “diversity”, but that is just their code word for White genocide. What they really mean is “let’s get rid of all the White areas.

H/T White Genocide Project



Agoravox, a French news site is reporting that Doctor Thierry Lecoquierre from Upper Normandy, France, has been taken by the police following his call to rape “right-wing” females to create “multicolored descendants.

It is unclear whether he has been arrested or is just answering their questions.

Dr Lecoquirre’s article was titled “Impregnate the female of the National Front” and was published on the 8th of December. The police found his article and took him in for questioning 2 days later, on the 10th of December.

Right wing women do not appear less mammal than other women, even if they have a bigger than average reptilian brain ” he wrote in his article.

Let’s sexually overcome these stupid right wing females

Blacks, Negroes, gooks, Jews, leftists, gypsies, disabled, Freemasons and even my gay friends, in solidarity: bring up your hard dicks! Let our consciences sleep under the pillow, and jump on the right-wing pussies offered. Hail to a vast altruistic copulation. Provide multicolored descendants to the sinking country of France.

With one goal: kill right-wing poison in the egg.

According to Agoravox, Lecoquierre claimed his article was supposed to be “ironic“.

It was published on L’obs Le Plus, and like all blog articles on the site it was not checked by the editorial team first. It has since been removed.

The anti-Whites would love this guy if he just called for “multicolored descendants” to be made, but he takes it a step too far, even for them.

You see, anti-Whites have an agenda called “diversity” whereby they try to open the borders of majority White countries and flood them with non-White immigrants, then try to encourage us all to “integrate” into one big “mixed-race melting pot”.

What this amounts to is simply a campaign of White Genocide. Certain influential people within politics, all across the Western world, have deliberately targeted White areas for “diversity”, and this certainly fits the legal definition of genocide.

You will never hear anyone scream for “diversity” in Africa or Asia. “Diversity” is a codeword for White genocide because it’s only about getting rid of White areas and White countries.

H/T White GeNOcide Project


Lecoquierre is the one on the left.

In the blog section of French media outlet, Nouve L’obs, a doctor wrote that any woman who votes for Front National (French anti-mass immigration party) has a “reptilian brain” and should be raped and impregnated to produce “multicolored descendants.

Thierry Lecoquierre, a Medical Doctor from Le Havre in Upper Normandy, has been reported to the Council of Doctors for his article, which has now been deleted from the website.

His article titled “Impregnate the female of the National Front” says this:

Right wing women do not appear less mammal than other women, even if they have a bigger than average reptilian brain . As any woman, it is subject to hormonal moods. With a feature that ethnology confirms to us : she gets especially wet for rough men.

These female FN sympathizers certainly offer us means to beat them. As each right-wing female appreciates the military and the macho, loathes feminist ideas, let’s play her game: Let’s take her at her own game, let’s take her and fuck her.

Since they give us the recipes for crossbreeding their pale race, use it against her side. Let’s sexually overcome these stupid right wing females, for the survival of a smiling humanity. Because they are stupid and easily tricked, like game going to the hunter, things should be easier. Let’s create a curly descent (not German mind you!) let’s curlify this “other-hating”, frightened France.

Refusing the advances of family planning, every pregnancy will result in a little half-breed or a mongrel, an artist that tomorrow she will eventually like.

Blacks, Negroes, gooks, Jews, leftists, gypsies, disabled, Freemasons and even my gay friends, in solidarity: bring up your hard dicks! Let our consciences sleep under the pillow, and jump on the right-wing pussies offered (unfortunately sometimes pretty!) Hail to a vast altruistic copulation. Provide multicolored descendants to the sinking country of France.

With one goal: kill right-wing poison in the egg.

As of yet, there has been no reaction from French authorities to this shockingly anti-White article.

While most anti-Whites prefer to take a more subtle approach using code words like “diversity”, Lecoquierre is very blatant in saying what he wants: White genocide in France





























H/T White GeNOcide