We went through the infamous Twitter purge already, and not much happened other than a few account takedowns and some blue check marks being taken away. Annoying as it was, and obviously biased, it wasn’t near the amount of damage we had predicted would come to pass. Gab saw an increase in users, making Twitter yesterday’s fake news.
For those Conservative or Alt-Right users who chose to stay on the platform, however, things have been tricky. Tweets about Whites being discriminated against get taken down for abuse and intolerance, but Tweets likes these remain on the platform and are being praised by the left-wing liberal cult.
David Klion is a liberal and a journalist who sometimes tries to act like he’s a libertarian. He promoted the women’s march, Tweeting about it non stop for days, as well as promoting Marxist Socialism, open borders for the U.S and anti-White remarks. Naturally, people disagreed with his statement.
“You find that Good?”
“People like you make me proud of wanting a large family. How dare you be so racist.”
“Pack your bag and go to your holy land.”
“Ohhh… I see but Israel has the right to exist. I get it now…”
“And they wonder why white supremacist are growing again, because of racist comments like that. Before Obama, all we had to worry about was intolerant leftists.”
A while after his comment, he Tweeted again and boasted about how no one had reported it to Twitter yet. Instead saying that people had reported him for “being a Jew”.
However, despite his boasting, he eventually did get reported but things didn’t go as expected:
“Joking” about White genocide is not against the Twitter violations? Maybe that’s nothing new, but it still never fails to astonish me. Other liberal activists have been Tweeting hateful remarks against Whites, conservatives, and Christians as well, but just like David Klion, they are receiving zero consequences for their actions.
This is why hard-right ideologies exist in the first place; we are all tired of the double standard. If you believe something, be consistent about it! Their lack of consistency proves that they do not actually believe what they claim to believe. It proves that left-wing influencers like David Klion are teaching young people that it’s okay to be black, it’s okay to be Jewish, but it’s definitely not okay to be white.