NPR explains White GeNOcide Project
National Public Radio’s “Weekend Edition” aired a 5-minute interview this morning with Emerson College’s president Lee Pelton. President Pelton commented on the recent emailings to Emerson done by Educators and Students Against White Genocide:
“…in March of this year, more than 500 emails were sent to our faculty, student life staff, students and senior administrators with the subject line, ‘Help President Trump stop White Genocide.’
“And the White Genocide Project was formed to resist what it calls “White Genocide” that occurs when White areas are forced to accept diversity or White assimilation.”
Well said, President Pelton!
But if next time you want to step up your game, try this:
EVERY White country and ONLY White countries are being flooded with third world non-Whites, and Whites are forced by law to integrate with them so as to “assimilate,” i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence.
Massive immigration and forced assimilation is called genocide when it’s done in Tibet.
When it’s done in White countries it’s called “diversity.”
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide.