March Against #WhiteGenocide
Short Summary
The team behind Fight White are coordinating a March Against White Genocide on March 21st 2015 to spread awareness that massive non-white immigration and forced assimilation in ALL white countries IS White Genocide.
Donations will be used to produce White Genocide marketing material to be distributed by activists on March 21st.
What We Need & What You Get
- Money raised will go to the production and distribution of White Genocide marketing materials i.e Stickers, Flyers and Banners
- We are looking to raise $1,000. Any additional funds will be put towards our #WhiteGenocide billboard project in the Northern USA.
- Donating to this fundraiser is an active way to participate in Fighting White Genocide
- All contributors over $20 will receive a White Genocide media kit for distribution, if desired
The Impact
Genocide is a crime. And flooding ALL white countries with MILLIONS of non-whites and force assimilating the populations IS White Genocide.
On March 21st we are looking to make a HUGE impact and one of our goals is to see #WhiteGenocide as a trending hashtag on twitter.
Currently we are seeing a massive number of impressions each day, but more attention and discussion of this crime is needed.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you are unable to contribute financially, there are so many ways you can contribute to the success of this event:
- Get the word out and make some noise about our campaign to help with fund raising.
- On March 21st Get Out, Get Active & Get Pictures of your activism and send them in to
- Help make #WhiteGenocide a trending hashtag on twitter by posting and retweeting the hash.
- Every little bit of activism helps towards forcing the conversation on White Genocide.
Fight White Genocide
Flyer designed by Linux Lewis