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Endgame Exotica and Candied Carrots
“Take a ride on the White Rabbit magic bus and prepare to travel to places one could hardly imagine existed. But be warned, once you’ve traveled to these places THERE IS NO GOING BACK!” ~ Dick Whitman
Candied Carrots are always free. Just click the below link and Register.
(Please see our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy pages.)
Once registered you can just click the Candied Carrot Category from your new member area menu, or the top pages & posts menu, and start downloading. You can also go down the right hand side of the site and click the Candied Carrot Tag.
(if there are any problems with registering or receiving your password please email: whiterabbitradio@use.startmail.com) and we will get you sorted out)
Membership Signup Form HERE — Supports the site and production work. (Login first, then upgrade OR Signup and buy a membership in one step.)
1-Month Membership: $9.99
3-Month Quarterly Membership: $27.95
6-Month Semiannual Membership: $54.95
12-Month Annual Membership: $109.95
Donation Gifts of any type and amount help greatly to support the production work. We would be happy to set up any arrangement you desire. Email or use the HELPDESK to find out how. Some common recurring types are in your member area under the Add/Renew Subscriptions first tab. Thank you!
Donate Only Link - fast and easy.
“White Rabbit Radio with Horus the Avenger is my number one news source. His shows are to all news media what a good water filter is to tap water. He explains all the crap associated with agenda-driven major news networks on the big issues and gives you insight on things you won't hear anywhere else. Simply Refreshing!” ~ JWR
Our membership area is an extension of our original podcast Horus the Avenger's Follow the White Rabbit. If you liked that podcast, especially the news and views aspect, you would like EndGame Exotica. You can still listen to the original podcast right here for free: FTWR PODCAST
Also we are consistently asked if our membership are covers any of the topic of more popular podcasts we have done with for other media outlets. The answer is OF COURSE!
Whether it be the shows Horus did with Red Ice like "War on Whites" (see below), or the latest with the Paranormies, "Horus the Avenger ...the A word", you can get a good taste (an overview of Antarctica—see below). For subscribers to EndGame Exotica, Horus covers all the news and topics in a variety of ways on average 3 times a week in approximately six 30-minute censorship free segments. And from time-to-time we have special episodes and guests. As of late 2019, we are now fully in video as well as MP3. So you can pick your format. Videos will be available on demand back to when we started the video format. Members can also download videos going back 25 days or so. In 2020, we are having on more guests than ever before. So check back often.
Please Read
Endgame Exotica subscribers will have real time access. Candied Carrots will be added on a delayed basis. Free access will be delayed by 2-3 weeks or more. Not all posts will make it to the free area. Follow us on twitter for updates.
Manual Bitcoin Memberships!
We are now offering manual BitCoin memberships. We are only offering this option for yearly subscribers at this time. And there is a corresponding discount for using Bitcoin! You first must get a Username and Password. (If there is any problem in receiving your password please email: whiterabbitradio at use dot startmail dot com)
Once you have your Username and Password, just click the box below for a 12-month annual membership, then notify us. Upon confirmation we will manually update your membership in the system. Since the Bitcoin memberships are manual (we have to add everything ourselves) we can only offer a 12-month (1 year) membership at this time. But - as always, email and/or use the new HELPDESK in your member dashboard if you have any questions.
You also have the Bitcoin address below that you can send the payment to as well. And note we can take funding GIFTS to support the work at the same Bitcoin address below.
12-month Membership via Bitcoin: $99.95
Bitcoin address for White Rabbit Radio: 17JDaeGa2ptPP15KDL6bnqDNwCYVZVsUy1
Notes & Disclaimers:
- Price: We may change the subscription price at some point in the future. However, existing members would not be subject to this change in pricing.
- Refund policy: We don’t give refunds for any reason. Sorry, it’s just too much to manage and still keep costs low. However, you can cancel your monthly membership at any time and not be billed any further.
- Make sure to listen to the free content before you buy a 3-month or 6-month or 12-month membership. Keep in mind we do not offer refunds.
- Content will be added during the Week at various different times. Our twitter will be updated as new content is added.
- There will be two general types of content: Geopolitics and Alternative News and Research.
- Geopolitics will always have the label "GEO" on the audio file.
- Alternative News and Research will have "AltN" on the audio file.
- White Rabbit Radio does not share it's subscribers information with anyone for any reason.
- White Rabbit Radio does not support PayPal account issues. We don’t have any direct access to your PayPal account.
- You may cancel a subscription using the cancel link next to the subscription name in your Account Dashboard (see Quick Links on the upper right sidebar). Cancellations are handled within PayPal itself and supported by PayPal. You can always log directly into your own PayPal account, go to your “recurring payments” and cancel there as well. (Doing it there assures there are no errors going site to site.)
- NOTE: All of our memberships are handled as "recurring payments" within PayPal. So there is no need to worry about renewal for the 6 or 12 month membership. Renewal is handled automatically by PayPal. But if you do not want to renew a 6 or 12 month membership. Again, just log into your PayPal, access your “recurring payments” area to cancel a scheduled recurring payment.