Entries by H.Avenger

US Vice President Biden celebrates White minority status

Speaking at a summit, Vice President, Joe Biden, said that immigration is “not going to stop” and welcomed a White minority population in America. “I’m proud of the American record on culture and economic integration of not only our Muslim communities but African communities, Asian communities, Hispanic communities,” Biden said, according to Yahoo News. “And […]

March Against #WhiteGenocide

Short Summary The team behind Fight White Genocide.com are coordinating a March Against White Genocide on March 21st 2015 to spread awareness that massive non-white immigration and forced assimilation in ALL white countries IS White Genocide. Donations will be used to produce White Genocide marketing material to be distributed by activists on March 21st. http://igg.me/at/marchagainstwhitegenocide/x/9898580 […]

The Resistance to White Genocide is Made Up of Phantoms

According to the prevailing wisdom of the Cathedral and it’s politically correct “hivemind” allies, we’re nothing but ghosts. For those of us that are resisting “white genocide”(or whatever euphemism you wish to use to describe the systematic elimination of Caucasians and our culture from western countries, by means of forced assimilation and integration of people […]