Entries by H.Avenger


White children in Britain told to go to mixed schools

  As part of their “diversity” agenda, anti-Whites are trying to stop White parents from putting their children in majority White schools. In Britain, this is being promoted on the blatant lie that White students are lazy and non-White students will make them work harder. Actually, this is because most non-White students live in the […]


Anti-Whites Claim A Plan To Move 5.5 Million Non-Whites Into Northern Ireland In The 80s Was A “Joke”

The anti-White establishment in Britain is now openly admitting it’s genocidal plans again the indigenous White Northern Irish people…but says it’s okay because it was all just a little “joke” A recent news article had this to say “Newly-declassified documents released at the National Archives in Kew, west London reveal how senior civil servants reacted […]